Supported Mattermost Server Versions: 7.2.0+
- 9914606 Upgraded the version to 9.0.0 (#16)
- 8b7b5b0 [MM-58805]: Remove Standalone code part - 1 (#2)
- 62495d9 Update license to AGPL (#15)
- e2844a2 MM-58570 - Removing create a board button (#11)
- d6a516a stop logging errors for api error responses (#8)
- 0b6e443 MM-58804: Initial setup (#1)
- cc070fe refactor: build plugin successfully
- 146293d refactor: updated all the links compiling sucess
- a33c057 refactor: fix import
- 1f0304d refactor: .gitignore
- 0350699 refactor: fix server imports
- 59ba240 initial: setup