With GDPR becoming business critical here's a bundle that handles the data encryption layer.
composer require matt9mg/doctrine-encryption-bundle dev-master
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
new Matt9mg\Encryption\DoctrineEncryptionBundle(),
Basic configuration will take advantage of the encryption library provided
key: 'an encryption key'
iv: 'an encryption iv'
suffix: 'an encryption suffix'
key: 'an encryption key'
iv: 'an encryption iv'
suffix: 'an encryption suffix'
method: 'AES-256-CBC' // This is the default setting
class: 'Full\Namespace\To\Your\Encryptor' // If not supplied will use the default
use Matt9mg\Encryption\Bridge\Bridge;
use Matt9mg\Encryption\Annotation\Encrypted;
class User {
* @Encrypted()
private $firstname;
The above will auto encrypt on prePersist
and preUpdate
{{ user.firstname | decrypt }}
You'll notice there is no postLoad event to convert back to decrypted. Experience with doctrine is that as the entity is changed it adds it to the queue to be flushed. Say if you have an account with 1000 users each user would be decrypted meaning re saved.
Create a class that extends Matt9mg\Encryption\Encryptor\EncryptorInterface
. Then register as mentioned in the above config.
Yes there a loads of lovely unit tests :)
- Form inputs
- Command line util
- Travis integration