Asynchronous MQTT client library using SwiftNIO for networking layer.
- Based on MQTT Version 3.1.1 Specification.
- Supports SSL/TLS connection
Create an instance of MQTTClient
with parameters for connection.
let client = MQTTClient(
host: "localhost",
port: 1883,
clientID: "swift-mqtt client",
cleanSession: true,
keepAlive: 30,
willMessage: PublishMessage(topic: "will", payload: "will msg", retain: false, qos: .atMostOnce),
You can handle events with delegate methods.
client.delegate = self
// MQTTClientDelegate
func mqttClient(_ client: MQTTClient, didReceive packet: MQTTPacket) {
func mqttClient(_ client: MQTTClient, didChange state: ConnectionState) {
func mqttClient(_ client: MQTTClient, didCatchError error: Error) {
client.publish(topic: "topic", retain: false, qos: QOS.0, payload: "payload")
client.subscribe(topic: "topic", qos: QOS.0)
client.unsubscribe(topic: "topic")
This library uses SwiftNIO SSL for SSL connection. You can configure settings of a client.
let caCert = "./server/certs/ca/ca_cert.pem"
let clientCert = "./server/certs/client/client_cert.pem"
let keyCert = "./server/certs/client/private/client_key.pem"
let tlsConfiguration = try? TLSConfiguration.forClient(
minimumTLSVersion: .tlsv11,
maximumTLSVersion: .tlsv12,
certificateVerification: .noHostnameVerification,
trustRoots: NIOSSLTrustRoots.certificates(NIOSSLCertificate.fromPEMFile(caCert)),
certificateChain: NIOSSLCertificate.fromPEMFile(clientCert).map { .certificate($0) },
privateKey: .privateKey(.init(file: keyCert, format: .pem))
client.tlsConfiguration = tlsConfiguration