Docjure makes reading and writing Office documents in Clojure easy.
(use 'dk.ative.docjure.spreadsheet)
;; Load a spreadsheet and read the first two columns from the
;; price list sheet:
(->> (load-workbook "spreadsheet.xlsx")
(select-sheet "Price List")
(select-columns {:A :name, :B :price}))
;=> [{:name "Foo Widget", :price 100}, {:name "Bar Widget", :price 200}]
This example creates a spreadsheet with a single sheet named "Price List". It has three rows. We apply a style of yellow background colour and bold font to the top header row, then save the spreadsheet.
(use 'dk.ative.docjure.spreadsheet)
;; Create a spreadsheet and save it
(let [wb (create-workbook "Price List"
[["Name" "Price"]
["Foo Widget" 100]
["Bar Widget" 200]])
sheet (select-sheet "Price List" wb)
header-row (first (row-seq sheet))]
(set-row-style! header-row (create-cell-style! wb {:background :yellow,
:font {:bold true}}))
(save-workbook! "spreadsheet.xlsx" wb)))
The Docjure jar is distributed on Clojars.
If you are using the Leiningen build tool just add this line to the :dependencies list in project.clj to use it:
[dk.ative/docjure "1.6.0"]
Remember to issue the 'lein deps' command to download it.
(defproject "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Spreadsheet magic using Docjure"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[dk.ative/docjure "1.6.0"]])
You need to install the Leiningen build tool to build the library. You can get it here: Leiningen
The library uses the Apache POI library which will be downloaded by the "lein deps" command.
Then build the library:
lein deps
lein compile
lein test
Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Martin Jul, Ative (
Docjure is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for the license terms.
Docjure uses the Apache POI library, which is licensed under the Apache License v2.0.
For more information on Apache POI refer to the Apache POI web site.
Martin Jul
- Email: [email protected]
- Twitter: mjul
This library includes great contributions from
- Carl Baatz (cbaatz)
- Michael van Acken (mva)
- Ragnar Dahlén (ragnard)
Thank you very much!