Yet another double entry bookkeeping system It should at least get some accounts and a ledger
Has an option for double entry bookkeeping and a different one for income surplus c
Set a local secret to connect to database with
dotnet user-secrets set ConnectionStrings:AccountingContext "Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=yadebs;Username=xxx;Password=xxx"
ef core migration
in root folder
dotnet ef migrations add --project Yadebs.Db\Yadebs.Db.csproj --startup-project Yadebs.Api\Yadebs.Api.csproj --context Yadebs.Db.AccountingContext --verbose IncomeSurplus --output-dir Migrations
dotnet ef database update --project Yadebs.Db\Yadebs.Db.csproj --startup-project Yadebs.Api\Yadebs.Api.csproj --context Yadebs.Db.AccountingContext