There was a day that my girlfriend said "We created more than 100 certificates manually for each student". I said, this must be automated.
I have started to make some research about Python and how I could combine different libraries to get it done. I did it.
I have also improved the project with Docker support and other cool stuff. It was a really nice experience to learn more about automation.
The goal of the script is to read a Excel sheet with the students names, generate all the certificates in PNG format and automatically send an e-mail with the attachment.
In order to use the script, the first step is to allow less secure apps to have access to your e-mail address, as this is a simple Python script considered a third-party and not trustable application. You can click here and activate the option to allow less secure apps.
Now you can clone the repository to use it.
$ git clone
$ cd certificate_generator
- Also, you need to create a file called credentials.json on the same directory with this information:
"email" : "your e-mail",
"password" : "your password",
"smtp_server" : "",
"smtp_port" : 587,
"email_subject" : "Talk ### certificate",
"email_body" : "Follow attached",
"students_sheet" : "students.xlsx",
"picture_certificate_template" : "certificate_template.png"
Change the parameters accordingly.
- Important things to pay attention: Certificate image and Excel sheet.
- The certificate image must always be called certificate_template.png as it is hardcoded.
- The Excel sheet must always be called students.xlsx as it is hardcoded.
- The Excel sheet must always contain the same columns: (column 1 => e-mail, column 2 => full name, column 3 => the name that should be written to the certificate).
- Line 34 has the position of the text.
- Then you can execute using Docker to automatically build the dependencies.
$ docker build -t certificate_generator:latest .
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/credentials.json:/app/credentials.json certificate_generator:latest
OBS: I have used "-v" to pass the volume, so I don't need to rebuild the image every time I change credentials.
I suggest to use Google Forms for the students subscription and afterwards generate an Excel sheet with all of them.
See LICENSE fur further information.