What I use with vim
This is what I currently use as my vim configuration. It's built off of bling's configuration, but with numerous changes.
Here's a general overview of what's different:
- Added check for osx to vimrc. al
- Added support for osx terminal ^[[A - ^[[D. arrow character associations
- Added support for osx terminal tmux's slightly different ^[OA - ^[OD associations
- Defaults
- Set no relative numbering in normal mode by default
- toggle this with leader-nt
- absolute numbering will be present in insert mode
- in gui this will toggle on/off based on window focus
- Turned off list by default
- toggle this with leader-l
- set wrap by default
- Changed scrolling behavior
- scrolloff = 7 now by default
- scrolljump = 1 now by default
- Disabled initial folding
- Set no relative numbering in normal mode by default
- Plugin changes
- Removed auto-pairs plugin
- Removed undotree
- Added gundo
- use gundu with leader-u
- Added LaTeX-Box plugin
- Added TeX spell files
- Added vim-exchange plugin
- Added eclim plugin
- Mappings
- leader-w saves file
- same as blings setup, but awesome enough to reiterate here
- leader-ss turns on/off spell checking
- Tab no longer expands neosnippets (it now only affects autocompletion)
- Use ctrl-j in terminal, and/or ctrl-tab in gui to expand snippets
- use gundu with leader-u
- backspace now toggles :nohighlight
- leader-cr now toggles :hlsearch
- q: now opens command window in normal mode instead of insert mode
- gj and gk added - function like j and k in unmodified vim
- ignore screenwrapping when changing lines
- swapped function of 0 and ^. Use 0 to go to the soft BOL, ^ or g0 to go to the hard BOL
- leader-w saves file
- Functions
- Added functions to toggle relative numbering