This is collection of classes for better work with PHP comand-line options. We can define options, that grouped short and long options, define default value, have typed expected values etc. We can make group from options and define dependences from options.
This document containing user documentation, API Documentation is on
We can use classes in directory PhpOptions and include to main classes Options.php and Option.php
require_once 'PhpOptions/Options.php';
require_once 'PhpOptions/Option.php';
Second variant is using minifing version PhpOptions.min.php and include only this one file.
require_once 'PhpOptions.min.php';
Make one option without typed value.
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo');
It make new option named Foo
with short option -f
and long option --foo
Make one option is same as untyped option, but with type of value expected in commad-line. Value are set as required for typed options and it can be redefined to optional value (see section Set one option).
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::[NAME_OF_TYPE]('Foo');
Each type check format of input value and filter value on command-line.
Filter of value can turn of by 'notFiltered'
option in construct.
Not filered value return value read from comman-line.
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::[NAME_OF_TYPE]('Foo', 'notFilter');
All flags options (like 'notFiltered'
) are checked case insensitive.
Possible values of [NAME_OF_TYPE]
- char
- date
- datetime
- directory
- enum
- file
- inifile
- integer
- real
- series
- string
- time
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::char('Foo');
- check - value have to be only one character
- filter - no filtering
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::date('Foo');
check - value have to has format
= four-digit numberMONTH
= one-digit or two-digit number or short name (three character)DAY
= one-digit or two-digit number
filter - return
set on input date from command-line
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::date('Foo', 'timestamp');
- check - same as defautl
- filter - return
instead of\DateTime
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::datetime('Foo');
check - value have to has format
= four-digit numberMONTH
= one-digit or two-digit number or short name (three character)DAY
= one-digit or two-digit numberHOURS
= one-digit or two-digit numberMINUTES
= one-digit or two-digit numberSECONDS
= one-digit or two-digit numberHOURS_FORMAT
= hour format =(AM|am|A|a|PM|pm|P|p)
filter - return
set on input date from command-line
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::datetime('Foo', 'timestamp');
- check - same as defautl
- filter - return
instead of\DateTime
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::directory('Foo');
- check - check if directory read from command-line exist
- filter - return read path of directory from command-line with corect OS directory separator and added separator at the end
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::directory('Foo', '[BASE_PATH_OF_DIRECTORY]');
- check - check if read directory from command-line with prefix
exist - filter - return read directory from command-line with prefix
, with corect OS directory separator and added separator at the end
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::directory('Foo', 'makeDir');
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::directory('Foo', 'makeDir', '[BASE_PATH_OF_DIRECTORY]');
- check - check if read directory from command-line (with prefix
) exist. If not, it is recursively created, but only if final path (read from command-line or with BASE_PATH_OF_DIRECTORY) is full path. - filter - same as before variants
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::email('Foo');
- check - check if email read from command-line has corect email format
- filter - no filtering
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::enum('Foo', array('A' => 'aaa', 'B' => 'bbb', 'C' => 'ccc'));
- check - check if value read from command-line is one of set in costruct (in example 'aaa' or 'bbb' or 'ccc').
- filter - return key of value (in exmaple for 'aaa' is returned 'A', for 'bbb' is returned 'B' and for 'ccc' is returned 'C')
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::enum('Foo', array('aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'));
- check - check if value read from command-line is one of set in costruct (in example 'aaa' or 'bbb' or 'ccc').
- filter - return index of value (in exmaple for 'aaa' is returned 0, for 'bbb' is returned 1 and for 'ccc' is returned 2)
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::enum('Foo', 'aaa,bbb,ccc');
- check - check if value read from command-line is one of set in costruct,
delimited by one of possible delimiters (in example 'aaa' or 'bbb' or 'ccc').
Possible delimiters are
, "space" or|
. - filter - no fltering
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::file('Foo');
- check - check if file read from command-line exist
- filter - return read file from command-line with corect OS directory separator
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::file('Foo', '[BASE_PATH_OF_FILE]');
- check - check if read file from command-line with prefix
exist - filter - return read file from command-line with prefix
and with corect OS directory separator
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::inifile('Foo');
- check - check if file read from command-line exist
- filter - return content of read file from command-line as array
with sections as separated values in array (
is supported for inheriting of sections)
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::inifile('Foo', '[BASE_PATH_OF_FILE]');
- check - check if read file from command-line with prefix
exist - filter - return content of read file from command-line with prefix
as array with sections as separated values in array (<
is supported for inheriting of sections)
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::inifile('Foo', 'notSections');
- check - check if read file from command-line exist
- filter - return content of read file from command-line as array without sections (all values are read as from one section)
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::inifile('Foo', '[BASE_PATH_OF_FILE]', 'notSections');
- check - check if read file from command-line exist
- filter - return content of read file from command-line with prefix
as array without sections (all values are read as from one section)
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::integer('Foo');
- check - check value read from command-line is integer
- filter - return value cast as integer
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::integer('Foo', 'unsigned');
- check - check value read from command-line is unsigned integer
- filter - same as defautl
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::real('Foo');
- check - check value read from command-line is real
(decimal part can be separated by
) - filter - return value cast as real
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::real('Foo', 'unsigned');
- check - check value read from command-line is unsigned real
(decimal part can be separated by
) - filter - same as defautl
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::series('Foo');
- check - no checking
- filter - return value read from command-line as array,
delimited by default delimiters
, "space" or|
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::series('Foo', '[DELIMITERS]');
- check - no checking
- filter - return value read from command-line as array, delimited by
(each character in string[DELIMITERS]
considered as one possible delimiter)
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::string('Foo');
- check - no checking
- filter - no filtering
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::time('Foo');
check - value have to has format
= one-digit or two-digit numberMINUTES
= one-digit or two-digit numberSECONDS
= one-digit or two-digit numberHOURS_FORMAT
= hour format =(AM|am|A|a|PM|pm|P|p)
filter - return value read from command-line converted into format
It is possible register own new types or replace default types.
Registered type nave to by child of class \PhpOptions\Types\AType
\PhpOptions\Option::registerType('fullname', '\MyNamesace\FullNameType', '/user/novak/FullNameType.php');
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::fullname('Foo');
In the example, new type named fullname
is registered and option of this type is made.
Second parameter is name of class defined the type and
third pramater is path to file contains the class \MyNamesace\FullNameType
\PhpOptions\Option::registerType('integer', '\MyNamesace\IntegerType', '/user/novak/IntegerType.php');
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::integer('Foo');
In the second example, own integer type is registered and default integer type is redefined.
We can modifi setting for each option by many functions. Each function return self, thus we can use fluent writing for seting of option.
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo')->short('x')->long('abc');
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo');
Defalt short variant of option is lowercase first letter of name (in exmaple -f
in command-line)
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo')->short('x');
Set short variant of option on -x
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo bar');
Defalt long variant of option is lowercase of name with one dash intead of each series of no-letters character
(in exmaple --foo-bar
in command-line).
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo')->long('xyz');
Set long variant of option on --xyz
Option is not required as default.
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo')->required();
Set option as required. It does not make sense for option with default value and required value.
Option has not expected any value as default.
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo')->value();
Set option with required value.
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo')->value(FALSE);
Set option with optional value.
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo')->value(FALSE)->defaults('Lorem ipsum');
It make sence only for option with optional value or optional option with optional or required value. If option is not set on command-line or is set without value on command-line, default value is returned (see Get value of defined options read from command-line). The example set default value of option on 'Lorem ipsum'.
Option has empty description as default.
$option = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo')->description('Lorem ipsum');
Set description of option in help on 'Lorem ipsum'.
$options = new \PhpOptions\Options();
We can add options together (in array) or separately.
$foo = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo');
$bar = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Bar');
$car = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Car');
$options->add(array($foo, $bar));
$options = new \PhpOptions\Options();
$foo = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo');
$bar = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Bar');
$car = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Car');
$options->add(array($foo, $bar, $car));
If any option is not defined on command-line, this option is cosidered as set.
$options->decription('Lorem ipsum');
It set description of script showed in generated help.
$options->group('[NAME_OF_GROUP]', array('Foo', 'Bar'));
It set group of options showed in generated help with name [NAME_OF_GROUP]
$options->dependences('Foo', array('Bar'));
It define, that option Foo
need option Bar
. If option Foo
is set in command-lien,
it have to be set option Bar
in comman-line too or option Bar
have to have default value.
$options->dependences('Foo', array('Bar'), '[NAME_OF_GROUP]');
It define dependences same as first example and moreover make froup from options 'Foo' and 'Bar'.
$optionsList = array();
// make list of options
$options = new \PhpOptions\Options();
$options->decription('Lorem ipsum');
// define groups and dependences
echo $options->getHelp();
It print help for all defined options with descriptions. Grouped options are showen separately. For each option description, type, requirements, value requirements are showen if they are set.
$fooValue = $options->get('Foo');
For getting value of option set in comman-line, use function ->get([OPTION])
can be:
- Name of option
- Short variant of option with
as prefix - Long variant of option with
as prefix
// definition of options
$foo = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Foo');
$bar = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Bar')->value();
$car = \PhpOptions\Option::make('Car');
$options->add(array($foo, $bar $car));
$fooValue = $options->get('Foo');
$barValue = $options->get('-b');
$carValue = $options->get('--car');
// command line usage
my_script.php -f -b "Lorem ipsum"
is set onTRUE
is set onLorem ipsum
is set onFALSE
Exceptions made by programmer by wrong calling method (in correct scrit shoul not occured)
Exceptions made by programmer by wrong set of expected options together (in correct scrit shoul not occured)
Exceptions made by user wrong using of script. This is enough to catch the exception only of the Options object.
require_once 'PhpOptions/PhpOptions.min.php';
use PhpOptions\Options;
use PhpOptions\Option;
$optionsList = array();
$optionsList[] = Option::make('Help')->description('Show this help');
$optionsList[] = Option::make('Name')->description('Name of user')->value();
$optionsList[] = Option::make('Home')->short()->long('home-dir')->value(FALSE)->def('./home/common')
->description('Home directory of user');
$optionsList[] = Option::make('Favorite color')->description('User`s favorite color')->value();
$optionsList[] = Option::make('Color of eye')->description('User`s color of eye')->value();
try {
$options = new Options();
$options->description("Simple script demonstrating PhpOptions\nauthor: Viktor Masicek <[email protected]>");
} catch (\PhpOptions\UserBadCallException $e) {
// Wrong using in command-line by user
echo $e->getMessage();
// print help
if ($options->get('Help')) {
echo $options->getHelp();
// get values
$name = $options->get('Name');
$home = $options->get('Home');
$favorite = $options->get('-f');
$eye = $options->get('--color-of-eye');
// print values
printf('Name: %s\n', ($name ?: ''));
printf('Home: %s\n', ($home ?: ''));
printf('Favorite color: %s\n', ($favorite ?: ''));
printf('Color of eye: %s\n', ($eye ?: ''));