Soft Acceleo is a repository used to store a maven repository for the releases of Acceleo that are not available in the Eclipse Maven repository
The main idea is to retrieve Acceleo release from its p2 update site and to convert it to a maven repository.
Acceleo update sites are located :
- Install Maven
- In your Github account , create a personnal access token (PAT) with read/write packages rights and save these informations for in %User%/.m2/settings.xml file :
<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<username>[GITHUB USERNAME]</username>
<password>[GENERATED ACCESS TOKEN]</password>
- Use one of the two following methods to clone and install the artifacts as a maven repository on github.
- only an Windows
- Download from latest released version
- Unzip and Execute p2maven.exe and define the following parameters
- p2 update site : Source URL (e.g
- d for deploy
- maven repository url :
- maven repository id : github
- Execute %User%/
- on all platforms
- Clone p2 update site with eclipse via the command lines:
eclipse -nosplash -verbose -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository.mirrorApplication -source Insert Source URL (e.g -destination Insert Destination URL (e.g. file:/tmp/Acceleo-Mirror/)
eclipse -nosplash -verbose -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository.mirrorApplication -source Insert Source URL (e.g -destination Insert Destination URL (e.g. file:/tmp/Acceleo-Mirror/)
- For each jar file in the cloned mirror, execute the following command line:
mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.eclipse.acceleo -DartifactId=[artifactID] -Dversion=[version] -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=[artifactID]_[version].jar -DrepositoryId=github -Durl=
- only an Windows