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Brian Boucheron edited this page Sep 17, 2013 · 4 revisions

This action will return all of the folders currently being synced, connected peers who are sharing that folder, and the data transfer rate for each at the time of request. The Web UI calls this once every second.

Request Parameters

  • action getsyncfolders
  • token Your current token (see Session Initalisation)
  • t The current timestamp (optional)


JSON string containing:

  • folders An array of objects representing each folder currently being synced, with the following properties:
  • iswritable 1 or 0, Do we have write access to the folder, or are we read-only?
  • name The path of the folder.
  • peers An array of objects representing each peer current connected, with the following properties:
    • direct 1 if connected directly to the peer, 0 if connected via relay (appears in web UI next to each peer as arrows or a cloud icon, respectively).
    • name The name given in the peer's Bittorrent Sync configuration (may be an IP address until this is resolved).
    • status A string indicating the current status of the peer, either "Synced" with the date and time sync was completed, or an indication of the direction and rate of data transfer.
  • readonlysecret A string containing the read only secret for sharing the folder.
  • secret A string containing the full access secret for sharing the folder.
  • size A string containing the size and number of files in the folder.
  • speed A string with the total transfer speed of all folders and connections. "0.6 kB/s up, 8.7 kB/s down" for example. Units scale up to "MB/s" automatically.


GET http://localhost:8888/gui/?token=ToKeNStRinG&action=getsyncfolders

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