A barebones default layout for organised Django development. Inspired a little by Ruby on Rails and 'Django Project Conventions by Zachary Voase (link below).
This assumes you have pip and django installed (if not, try $ sudo easy_install pip
$ django-admin.py startproject --template http://github.com/martinogden/django-boilerplate/zipball/master project_name
$ cd project_name
$ pip install -r REQUIREMENTS
$ python manage.py syncdb --migrate
There is a separate file for each environment inside config/environments
(development, staging, production). These import the django default settings from config.settings and are intended to be used directly, e.g. python manage.py validate --settings=config.environments.production
or export PYTHONPATH=config.environments.development
Any settings added in environments/local.py
will be picked up and override any previously defined settings. This is useful for sensitive information such as database credentials or the SECRET_KEY
etc. By default this file will NOT be checked into git.
- path.py: A module wrapper for os.path
- South: Intelligent database migrations
- django-grappelli: A jazzy skin for the Django admin interface.
- django-command-extensions: A a collection of custom extensions
- fabric: Application deployment and systems administration tasks.
- django-compressor: Compresses linked and inline javascript or CSS into a single cached file.
Much of the layout is taken from a great post by Zachary Voase.
- Scotty Vernon: django-compressor integration, included modernizr, boilerplate markup in base.html, and organised javascripts folder.