Let’s be honest: The default “About” window in macOS apps looks like a relict of past times. It’s a forgotten niche of the Mac culture — so I made Uberabout
! It replaces the default “About” window with a modern looking and fun one. Even though most of your users will never look at this window, remember: God is in the detalis!
Uberabout automatically detects name, version, app icon and copyright based on the specified Bundle
Additionally you can add an URL that points to your credits, define a organization logo or set an image for the backside of the app icon.
UberaboutView(bundle: Bundle.main,
appIconBackside: Image("uberaboutIconBack"),
creditsURL: "http://ixeau.com",
organizationLogo: Image("uberaboutOrgaLogo"))
- macOS 11.0+
I’m Martin, an indie dev from Berlin. If you find Uberabout useful, please consider to support my work! You can find some great apps of mine on the Mac App Store 🌀