Svelte components for the daisyUI component library. Written in Svelte and Typescript.
- Full Typescript support
- Almost all components fully implemented
Install tailwindcss and daisyui with npm
Install svelte-daisyui-components with npm
npm i svelte-daisyui-components
For some very basic examples you can take a look at the provided routes, located in the routes directory of this repository.
<script lang="ts">
import { Button } from 'svelte-daisyui-components'
Missing features on components.
Actions: All features are implemented.
Data Display:
- Avatar: not possible to apply mask and add counter.
- Card: not possible to add action on top.
- Carousel: navigation buttons not working properly.
- Collapse: colors on focus not working properly.
Data Input:
- Radio: not possible to add labels.
- Checkbox: not possible to add labels.
- Toggle: not possible to add labels.
- Range: steps and measure not always accurate.
- Drawer: navbar on desktop and drawer on mobile option not implemented.
- Hero: figure not implemented.
- Indicator: multiple indicators not implemented.
- BottomNavigation: rendering buttons through buttons prop not working properly.
- Steps: user needs to provide data himself if steps are added through slot.
Mockup: All features are implemented.
- Add Storybook.
- Extract string values from enums instead of hardcoding them.
- Fix/add missing features on components.
- Write tests for components.
- Figure out on which element we want to apply $$props.class, sometimes you want to apply styles to multiple elements.
- Apply $$restProps to relevant components.
Contributions are always welcome! If you encounter a bug or missing feature, feel free to open a pull request or issue!