It's a holding pen for my personal notes on using LaTeX. I keep examples here to remind myself how to format tables, mathematical expressions, figures, source code, and more.
Feel free to use these examples any way you like. The content here is under The Unlicense so you are free to use it just about any way you like. For details, see the file LICENSE or The Unlicense website.
- - a script for removing .synctex, .aux, and .log files after the .tex document is compiled
- latex_hints.tex - a .tex file containing my general "hints and tips"
- test_image.jpg - a test image for use in generating a LaTeX figure in my .tex file
- - a short Python 3 program for use in demonstrating the lstlisting LaTeX environment
- latex_hints.pdf - the compiled .pdf resulting from my .tex file
You'll need a complete LaTeX environment to compile the .tex file. Right now I use a Mac, so my environment of choice is MacTex. You can download MacTex here.