In root directory build and run:
> docker-compose up
In browser go to:
example SDFs stored in ./assets/sdf_files
3D molecule viewer web application that allows users to upload molecule SDFs (Standard Data File) and get a 3D visual SVG representation. Users have the ability to edit elements properties including color and size, providing more customization to the displayed molecules. Built with a C library to interface with molecule data integrated with a Flask server and sqlite database.
Server Response:
'molecules': [
'name': 'Water',
'atoms: 3,
'bonds': 2
Server Response:
'elements': [
Server Receives: File
Server Response:
'message': 'status message',
'molecule': {
'name': 'Water',
'atoms: 3,
'bonds': 2
Server Receives:
'element': {
'name': 'Oxygen',
'code': 'O',
'number': 8,
'radius': 40,
'color1': #FF0000,
'color2': #00FF00,
'color3': #0000FF
Delete selected element from database
Server redirects and displays selected molecule
- molecule rotation through client interaction