GitHub Action
SPDX Merge
Latest version
This tool integrates multiple SPDX JSON formatted Software Bill of materials (SBOMs) into a parent SBOM, either by consolidating all the contents into a single file or by creating references to multiple files. The tool works with SPDX 2.2 and SPDX 2.3 version.
Combine multiple SPDX JSON/Tag value files into a single parent Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) in one of two ways.
- Deep Merge - Combines the contents of all SBOM files into a single comprehensive parent file, incorporating all the information about the package dependencies and their relationships.
- Shallow Merge - Generates a parent SBOM that references multiple SBOM files in the 'externalDocumentRefs' section.
SPDX Tools(spdx-tools) needs to be installed as a pre-requisite for this application to work. It is listed in the requirement.txt file. Just run the below command to install all the requirements that needs to be installed.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Execute the command with the required inputs.
python src/SPDXMerge --docpath <folder path of the SBOMs to be merged>
--outpath <folder path where the merged file will be saved> (optional)
--name <product name>
--mergetype <0 for deep merge/1 for shallow merge>
--author <organization or author name>
--email <org/ author email>
--docnamespace <namespace for spdx doc>
--filetype <expected SBOM file format for JSON/T for Tag value>
- name: Checkout project
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Run SPDX Merge tool to merge spdx files
uses: philips-software/[email protected]
docpath: ${{github.workspace}}/Test # path with spdx files in json
name: sample-sbom # name project
mergetype: 1 # 0 shallow merge, 1 deep merge defaults 1
author: "Kung Fury" # Author
email: "[email protected]" # email - optional
filetype: J # expected SBOM format JSON/ tag value format , defaults to J
docnamespace: ""
- name: Check result
run: cat merged-SBoM.json
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(PWD):/code \
-v $(PWD)/output/:/output \
-e DOCPATH='/code' \
-e OUTPATH='/output' \
-e NAME='' \
-e AUTHOR='' \
-e EMAIL='' \
-e FILETYPE='' \
- Option for Organization, Author tag in document creation