Useful links repository
- Github
- Node.js
- Auth0
- Cryptography
- Static Site Generators
- Material Design
- Utils Online
- Collaborative Lists
Table of contents generated with markdown-toc
The State of the Octoverse -
- Node.js Releases
- - Node.js ECMAScript compatibility tables
- Better Express Routing & Architecture for NodeJS: Github
- Model-Routes-Controllers-Services Code Structure
- Express Tutorial Part 4: Routes and controllers
- How to write a production-ready Node and Express app
- Express.js’s best controller pattern
- Structure of a NodeJS API Project
- NPM Vet - A simple CLI tool to help vet your npm package versions.
- NCU - A simple CLI for NCU's Information.
Building and Securing a Modern Backend API - Learn how to easily manage and secure your API endpoints with Auth0 - Ejemplo bastante interesante. Tienen 3 proyectos, 1 de ellos actua como API y los otros 2 como clientes de la api (User y Admin) con diferentes Scopes para definirles así los permisos. Github Code
Understanding Sessions & Cookies - Explains How to save and retrieve session from Redis using connect-redis
How to Integrate REST APIs with Single-Page Apps and Secure Them Using Auth0: Part 1, Part 2
node-auth0 - Recommended way to re-inject renewed token for Management API in a long-running script?
- How to generate random SHA1 hash to use as ID in node.js? - I'd recommend using crypto.randomBytes. It's not sha1, but for id purposes, it's quicker, and just as "random".
var crypto = require('crypto');
var id = crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex');
//=> bb5dc8842ca31d4603d6aa11448d1654
see Top Open-Source Static Site Generators
- Phenomic - Phenomic is a modern static website generator based on the React and Webpack ecosystem.
- Jekyll - Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby.
- Jekyll Now - Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line. Jekyll Now makes it easier to create your Jekyll blog, by eliminating a lot of the up front setup.
- Hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
- Hugo - A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang
- Gatsby - Transform plain text into dynamic blogs and websites using React.js.
- MkDocs - Project documentation with Markdown.
- Bi Sheng - Transform Markdown (and other static files with transformers) into a SPA website using React.
- serverless/post-scheduler - Schedule posts & content updates for static websites (Jekyll, Hugo, Gatsby, Phenomic etc)
- squidfunk/mkdocs-material - A Material Design theme for MkDocs
- JSON Formatter & Validator
- AVRO Scala Generator - Generate Scala from Avro and Avro from JSon
- Realtime Web Technology Guide - An open and maintained a list of realtime web technologies.
- Awesome REST - A collaborative list of great resources about RESTful API architecture, development, test, and performance.