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i18n system refactor
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marcopiovanello committed Jan 13, 2025
1 parent 160a272 commit 706cc07
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Showing 20 changed files with 985 additions and 905 deletions.
887 changes: 19 additions & 868 deletions frontend/src/assets/i18n.yaml

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions frontend/src/assets/i18n/ca.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
urlInput: URL de YouTube o d'un altre servei compatible
statusTitle: Estat
startButton: Iniciar
statusReady: Llest
abortAllButton: Cancel·lar Tot
updateBinButton: Actualitzar el binari yt-dlp
darkThemeButton: Tema fosc
lightThemeButton: Tema clar
settingsAnchor: Configuració
serverAddressTitle: Direcció del servidor
serverPortTitle: Port
extractAudioCheckbox: Extreure àudio
noMTimeCheckbox: No guardar el temps de modificació de l'arxiu
bgReminder: Si tanques aquesta pàgina, la descàrrega continuarà en segon pla.
toastConnected: 'Connectat a'
toastUpdated: El binari yt-dlp està actualitzat!
formatSelectionEnabler: Habilitar la selecció de formats de vídeo/àudio
themeSelect: 'Tema'
languageSelect: 'Idiomes'
overridesAnchor: Anul·lacions
pathOverrideOption: Sobreescriure en la ruta de sortida
filenameOverrideOption: Sobreescriure el nom del fitxer
customFilename: Nom d'arxiu personalitzat (en blanc per utilitzar el predeterminat)
customPath: Ruta personalitzada
customArgs: Habilitar els arguments yt-dlp personalitzats (un gran poder comporta una gran responsabilitat)
customArgsInput: Arguments yt-dlp personalitzats
rpcConnErr: Error en connectar-se al servidor RPC
splashText: No active downloads
archiveTitle: Archive
clipboardAction: Copied URL to clipboard
playlistCheckbox: Download playlist (it will take time, after submitting you may even close this window)
servedFromReverseProxyCheckbox: Is behind a reverse proxy subfolder
newDownloadButton: New download
homeButtonLabel: Home
archiveButtonLabel: Archive
settingsButtonLabel: Settings
rpcAuthenticationLabel: RPC authentication
themeTogglerLabel: Theme toggler
loadingLabel: Loading...
appTitle: App title
savedTemplates: Saved templates
templatesEditor: Templates editor
templatesEditorNameLabel: Template name
templatesEditorContentLabel: Template content
logsTitle: 'Logs'
awaitingLogs: 'Awaiting logs...'
bulkDownload: 'Download files in a zip archive'
livestreamURLInput: Livestream URL
livestreamStatusWaiting: Waiting/Wait start
livestreamStatusDownloading: Downloading
livestreamStatusCompleted: Completed
livestreamStatusErrored: Errored
livestreamStatusUnknown: Unknown
livestreamDownloadInfo: |
This will monitor yet to start livestream. Each process will be executed with --wait-for-video 10.
If an already started livestream is provided it will be still downloaded but its progress will not be tracked.
Once started the livestream will be migrated to the downloads page.
livestreamExperimentalWarning: This feature is still experimental. Something might break!
accentSelect: 'Accent'
urlBase: URL base, for reverse proxy support (subdir), defaults to empty
rpcPollingTimeTitle: RPC polling time
rpcPollingTimeDescription: A lower interval results in higher CPU usage (server and client side)
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions frontend/src/assets/i18n/de.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
urlInput: Video URL
statusTitle: Status
statusReady: Bereit
selectFormatButton: Format auswählen
startButton: Start
abortAllButton: Alle Abbrechen
updateBinButton: yt-dlp Binärdatei aktualisieren
darkThemeButton: Dunkel Modus
lightThemeButton: Hell Modus
settingsAnchor: Einstellungen
serverAddressTitle: Server Adresse
serverPortTitle: Port
extractAudioCheckbox: Audio extrahieren
noMTimeCheckbox: Datei-Änderungszeitpunkt nicht festlegen
bgReminder: Sobald Sie diese Seite schließen, wird der Download im Hintergrund fortgesetzt.
toastConnected: 'Verbunden mit '
toastUpdated: yt-dlp Binärdatei aktualisiert!
formatSelectionEnabler: Video/Audio Format auswählbar
themeSelect: 'Modus'
languageSelect: 'Sprache'
overridesAnchor: Überschreibungen
pathOverrideOption: Ausgabe-Pfad Überschreibung aktivieren
filenameOverrideOption: Ausgabe-Dateiname Überschreibung aktivieren
customFilename: Custom filename (leave blank to use default)
customPath: Benutzerdefinierter Pfad
customArgs: Benutzerdefinierte yt-dlp Argumente aktivieren (viel Macht = viel Verantwortung)
customArgsInput: Benutzerdefinierte yt-dlp Argumente
rpcConnErr: Fehler beim Verbinden mit RPC Server
splashText: Keine aktiven Downloads
archiveTitle: Archiv
clipboardAction: URL in Zwischenablage kopiert
playlistCheckbox: Playlist herunterladen (es wird einige Zeit dauern, nach dem Absenden können Sie dieses Fenster schließen)
restartAppMessage: Erfordert ein Neuladen der Seite, um wirksam zu werden
servedFromReverseProxyCheckbox: Ist hinter einem Reverse Proxy Unterordner
newDownloadButton: Neuer Download
homeButtonLabel: Home
archiveButtonLabel: Archiv
settingsButtonLabel: Einstellungen
rpcAuthenticationLabel: RPC Authentifizierung
themeTogglerLabel: Modus Umschalter
loadingLabel: Lädt...
appTitle: App Titel
savedTemplates: Gespeicherte Vorlage
templatesEditor: Vorlagen Bearbeiter
templatesEditorNameLabel: Vorlagen Name
templatesEditorContentLabel: Vorlagen Inhalt
logsTitle: 'Logs'
awaitingLogs: 'Awaiting logs...'
bulkDownload: 'Download files in a zip archive'
rpcPollingTimeTitle: RPC-Abfragezeit
rpcPollingTimeDescription: Ein kürzeres Intervall führt zu einer höheren CPU-Auslastung (Server- und Clientseite)
livestreamURLInput: Livestream URL
livestreamStatusWaiting: Waiting/Wait start
livestreamStatusDownloading: Downloading
livestreamStatusCompleted: Completed
livestreamStatusErrored: Errored
livestreamStatusUnknown: Unknown
livestreamDownloadInfo: |
This will monitor yet to start livestream. Each process will be executed with --wait-for-video 10.
If an already started livestream is provided it will be still downloaded but its progress will not be tracked.
Once started the livestream will be migrated to the downloads page.
livestreamExperimentalWarning: This feature is still experimental. Something might break!
accentSelect: 'Accent'
urlBase: URL-Basis für Reverse-Proxy-Unterstützung (Unterverzeichnis), standardmäßig leer
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions frontend/src/assets/i18n/en_US.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
urlInput: Video URL (one per line)
statusTitle: Status
statusReady: Ready
selectFormatButton: Select format
startButton: Start
abortAllButton: Abort All
updateBinButton: Update yt-dlp binary
darkThemeButton: Dark theme
lightThemeButton: Light theme
settingsAnchor: Settings
serverAddressTitle: Server address
serverPortTitle: Port
extractAudioCheckbox: Extract audio
noMTimeCheckbox: Don't set file modification time
bgReminder: Once you close this page the download will continue in the background.
toastConnected: 'Connected to '
toastUpdated: Updated yt-dlp binary!
formatSelectionEnabler: Enable video/audio formats selection
themeSelect: 'Theme'
languageSelect: 'Language'
overridesAnchor: Overrides
pathOverrideOption: Enable output path overriding
filenameOverrideOption: Enable output file name overriding
customFilename: Custom filename (leave blank to use default)
customPath: Custom path
customArgs: Enable custom yt-dlp args (great power = great responsibilities)
customArgsInput: Custom yt-dlp arguments
rpcConnErr: Error while conencting to RPC server
splashText: No active downloads
archiveTitle: Archive
clipboardAction: Copied URL to clipboard
playlistCheckbox: Download playlist (it will take time, after submitting you may close this window)
restartAppMessage: Needs a page reload to take effect
servedFromReverseProxyCheckbox: Is behind a reverse proxy
urlBase: URL base, for reverse proxy support (subdir), defaults to empty
newDownloadButton: New download
homeButtonLabel: Home
archiveButtonLabel: Archive
settingsButtonLabel: Settings
rpcAuthenticationLabel: RPC authentication
themeTogglerLabel: Theme toggler
loadingLabel: Loading...
appTitle: App title
savedTemplates: Saved templates
templatesEditor: Templates editor
templatesEditorNameLabel: Template name
templatesEditorContentLabel: Template content
logsTitle: 'Logs'
awaitingLogs: 'Awaiting logs...'
bulkDownload: 'Download files in a zip archive'
rpcPollingTimeTitle: RPC polling time
rpcPollingTimeDescription: A lower interval results in higher CPU usage (server and client side)
templatesReloadInfo: To register a new template it might need a page reload.
livestreamURLInput: Livestream URL
livestreamStatusWaiting: Waiting/Wait start
livestreamStatusDownloading: Downloading
livestreamStatusCompleted: Completed
livestreamStatusErrored: Errored
livestreamStatusUnknown: Unknown
livestreamDownloadInfo: |
This will monitor yet to start livestream. Each process will be executed with --wait-for-video 10.
If an already started livestream is provided it will be still downloaded but its progress will not be tracked.
Once started the livestream will be migrated to the downloads page.
livestreamExperimentalWarning: This feature is still experimental. Something might break!
accentSelect: 'Accent'
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions frontend/src/assets/i18n/es.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
urlInput: URL de YouTube u otro servicio compatible
statusTitle: Estado
startButton: Iniciar
statusReady: Listo
abortAllButton: Cancelar Todo
updateBinButton: Actualizar el binario yt-dlp
darkThemeButton: Tema oscuro
lightThemeButton: Tema claro
settingsAnchor: Ajustes
serverAddressTitle: Dirección del servidor
serverPortTitle: Puerto
extractAudioCheckbox: Extraer audio
noMTimeCheckbox: No guardar el tiempo de modificación del archivo
bgReminder: Si cierras esta página, la descarga continuará en segundo plano.
toastConnected: 'Conectado a'
toastUpdated: ¡El binario yt-dlp está actualizado!
formatSelectionEnabler: Habilitar la selección de formatos de video/audio
themeSelect: 'Tema'
languageSelect: 'Idiomas'
overridesAnchor: Anulaciones
pathOverrideOption: Sobreescribir en la ruta de salida
filenameOverrideOption: Sobreescribir el nombre del fichero
customFilename: Nombre de archivo personalizado (en blanco para usar el predeterminado)
customPath: Ruta personalizada
customArgs: Habilitar los argumentos yt-dlp personalizados (un gran poder conlleva una gran responsabilidad)
customArgsInput: Argumentos yt-dlp personalizados
rpcConnErr: Error al conectarse al servidor RPC
splashText: No active downloads
archiveTitle: Archive
clipboardAction: Copied URL to clipboard
playlistCheckbox: Download playlist (it will take time, after submitting you may even close this window)
servedFromReverseProxyCheckbox: Is behind a reverse proxy subfolder
newDownloadButton: New download
homeButtonLabel: Home
archiveButtonLabel: Archive
settingsButtonLabel: Settings
rpcAuthenticationLabel: RPC authentication
themeTogglerLabel: Theme toggler
loadingLabel: Loading...
appTitle: App title
savedTemplates: Saved templates
templatesEditor: Templates editor
templatesEditorNameLabel: Template name
templatesEditorContentLabel: Template content
logsTitle: 'Logs'
awaitingLogs: 'Awaiting logs...'
bulkDownload: 'Download files in a zip archive'
livestreamURLInput: Livestream URL
livestreamStatusWaiting: Waiting/Wait start
livestreamStatusDownloading: Downloading
livestreamStatusCompleted: Completed
livestreamStatusErrored: Errored
livestreamStatusUnknown: Unknown
livestreamDownloadInfo: |
This will monitor yet to start livestream. Each process will be executed with --wait-for-video 10.
If an already started livestream is provided it will be still downloaded but its progress will not be tracked.
Once started the livestream will be migrated to the downloads page.
livestreamExperimentalWarning: This feature is still experimental. Something might break!
accentSelect: 'Accent'
urlBase: URL base, for reverse proxy support (subdir), defaults to empty
rpcPollingTimeTitle: RPC polling time
rpcPollingTimeDescription: A lower interval results in higher CPU usage (server and client side)
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions frontend/src/assets/i18n/fr.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
urlInput: URL vidéo de YouTube ou d'un autre service pris en charge
statusTitle: Statut
statusReady: Prêt
selectFormatButton: Sélectionner le format
startButton: Démarrer
abortAllButton: Tout arrêter
updateBinButton: Mettre à jour l'exécutable yt-dlp
darkThemeButton: Thème sombre
lightThemeButton: Thème clair
settingsAnchor: Paramètres
serverAddressTitle: Adresse du serveur
serverPortTitle: Port
extractAudioCheckbox: Extraire l'audio
noMTimeCheckbox: Ne pas définir le temps de modification du fichier
bgReminder: Une fois que vous aurez fermé cette page, le téléchargement continuera en arrière-plan.
toastConnected: 'Connecté à '
toastUpdated: L'exécutable yt-dlp a été mis à jour !
formatSelectionEnabler: Activer la sélection des formats vidéo/audio
themeSelect: 'Thème'
languageSelect: 'Langue'
overridesAnchor: Remplacer
pathOverrideOption: Activer le remplacement du chemin de sortie
filenameOverrideOption: Activer le remplacement du nom du fichier de sortie
customFilename: Nom de fichier personnalisé (laisser vide pour utiliser le nom par défaut)
customPath: Chemin personnalisé
customArgs: Activer les args personnalisés yt-dlp (grand pouvoir = grandes responsabilités)
customArgsInput: Arguments yt-dlp personnalisés
rpcConnErr: Erreur lors de la connexion au serveur RPC
splashText: Aucun téléchargement actif
archiveTitle: Archive
clipboardAction: URL copiée dans le presse-papiers
playlistCheckbox: Télécharger la liste de lecture (cela prendra du temps, vous pouvez fermer cette fenêtre après l'avoir validée)
restartAppMessage: Nécessite un rechargement de la page pour prendre effet
servedFromReverseProxyCheckbox: Est derrière un sous-dossier de proxy inverse
notConnectedText: not connected
settingsLabel: Settings
newDownloadButton: New download
homeButtonLabel: Home
archiveButtonLabel: Archive
settingsButtonLabel: Settings
rpcAuthenticationLabel: RPC authentication
themeTogglerLabel: Theme toggler
loadingLabel: Loading...
appTitle: Nom de l'application
savedTemplates: Saved templates
templatesEditor: Templates editor
templatesEditorNameLabel: Template name
templatesEditorContentLabel: Template content
logsTitle: 'Logs'
awaitingLogs: 'Awaiting logs...'
bulkDownload: 'Download files in a zip archive'
livestreamURLInput: Livestream URL
livestreamStatusWaiting: Waiting/Wait start
livestreamStatusDownloading: Downloading
livestreamStatusCompleted: Completed
livestreamStatusErrored: Errored
livestreamStatusUnknown: Unknown
livestreamDownloadInfo: |
This will monitor yet to start livestream. Each process will be executed with --wait-for-video 10.
If an already started livestream is provided it will be still downloaded but its progress will not be tracked.
Once started the livestream will be migrated to the downloads page.
livestreamExperimentalWarning: This feature is still experimental. Something might break!
accentSelect: 'Accent'
urlBase: URL base, for reverse proxy support (subdir), defaults to empty
rpcPollingTimeTitle: RPC polling time
rpcPollingTimeDescription: A lower interval results in higher CPU usage (server and client side)
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions frontend/src/assets/i18n/it_IT.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
urlInput: URL Video (uno per linea)
statusTitle: Stato
startButton: Inizia
statusReady: Pronto
abortAllButton: Termina tutto
updateBinButton: Aggiorna yt-dlp
darkThemeButton: Tema scuro
lightThemeButton: Tema chiaro
settingsAnchor: Impostazioni
serverAddressTitle: Indirizzo server
serverPortTitle: Porta
extractAudioCheckbox: Estrai l'audio
noMTimeCheckbox: Non impostare la proprietà "Data ultima modifica"
bgReminder: Chiusa questa UI il download continuerà in background.
toastConnected: 'Connesso a '
toastUpdated: yt-dlp aggiornato con successo!
formatSelectionEnabler: Abilita la selezione dei formati audio/video
themeSelect: 'Tema'
languageSelect: 'Lingua'
overridesAnchor: Sovrascritture
pathOverrideOption: Abilita sovrascrittura percorso di output
filenameOverrideOption: Abilita sovrascrittura del nome del file di output
customFilename: Custom filename (leave blank to use default)
customPath: Custom path
customArgs: Enable custom yt-dlp args (great power = great responsabilities)
customArgsInput: Custom yt-dlp arguments
rpcConnErr: Error nella connessione al server RPC
splashText: Nessun download attivo
archiveTitle: Archivio
clipboardAction: URL copiato negli appunti
playlistCheckbox: Download playlist (richiederà tempo, puoi chiudere la finestra dopo l'inoltro)
restartAppMessage: La finestra deve essere ricaricata perché abbia effetto
servedFromReverseProxyCheckbox: Is behind a reverse proxy
newDownloadButton: Nuovo download
homeButtonLabel: Home
archiveButtonLabel: Archive
settingsButtonLabel: Settings
rpcAuthenticationLabel: RPC authentication
themeTogglerLabel: Theme toggler
loadingLabel: Loading...
appTitle: Titolo applicazione
savedTemplates: Template salvati
templatesEditor: Editor template
templatesEditorNameLabel: Nome template
templatesEditorContentLabel: Contentunto template
logsTitle: 'Logs'
awaitingLogs: 'Awaiting logs...'
bulkDownload: 'Download files in a zip archive'
livestreamURLInput: Livestream URL
livestreamStatusWaiting: Waiting/Wait start
livestreamStatusDownloading: Downloading
livestreamStatusCompleted: Completed
livestreamStatusErrored: Errored
livestreamStatusUnknown: Unknown
livestreamDownloadInfo: |
This will monitor yet to start livestream. Each process will be executed with --wait-for-video 10.
If an already started livestream is provided it will be still downloaded but its progress will not be tracked.
Once started the livestream will be migrated to the downloads page.
livestreamExperimentalWarning: This feature is still experimental. Something might break!
accentSelect: 'Accent'
urlBase: base URL, per supporto a reverse proxy (subdir), default vuoto
rpcPollingTimeTitle: Intervallo di polling RPC
rpcPollingTimeDescription: Un intervallo più corto implica un maggior utilizzo di CPU (lato client e server)

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