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Agent-Based Simulation of Human Mobility Behaviour

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Simulation
  3. Agent's attributes
  4. Invoking program
  5. Build instructions
  6. Prerequisites
  7. This library
  8. Contributors
  9. License


A large-scale data-driven agent-based model designed to simulate individual agents' mode choice decisions for specific activity schedules within Den Haag's Zuid-West district in The Netherlands. This project was undertaken at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, during 2022-2023 by Marco Pellegrino and a team of contributors. The model integrates real-world data to precisely capture transportation preferences, providing a valuable tool for enhancing sustainable urban planning and informing transportation policy.

Invoking program

Call --help when running the application for command line arguments.

The JAR file is automatically generated and placed in the target directory.
In order to use the JAR file, make sure to use the Java version also used by Maven, and call

$ java -jar sim2apl-dhzw-simulation-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar [args]

The file args_example.txt contains the arguments to launch the simulation.

Build instructions

This section describes how to set up the code in your own development environment.


This manual assumes Maven is installed for easy package management


  • Java 11+ (not tested with lower versions)
  • Sim-2APL
  • (Maven)

Download Sim-2APL from Github,
and, to ensure compatibility, checkout the v2.0.0 version tag.

$ git clone sim-2apl
$ cd sim-2apl
$ git checkout v2.0.0

Install the package using Maven:

$ mvn -U clean install

This will automatically add the library to your local Maven repository, so no further action is required here.

This library

Clone the master branch of this library and install with Maven, or open in an IDE with Maven support (e.g. VSCode, Idea Intellij, Eclipse or NetBeans) and let the IDE set up the project.

$ git clone
$ cd DHZW-simulation_Sim-2APL
$ mvn -U clean install

The application requires various arguments, either when invoked from the command line or when used in an IDE.
Invoke the program with the argument --help

In the resource directory, an example configuration TOML file is given.


This project was made possible thanks to the hard work and contributions from:

  • Marco Pellegrino (Author)
  • Jan de Mooij
  • Tabea Sonnenschein
  • Mehdi Dastani
  • Dick Ettema
  • Brian Logan
  • Judith A. Verstegen


This library contains free software; The code can be freely used under the Mozilla Public License 2.0. See the license file for details.
This code comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law.


Predictive Model to Forecast Transport Usage







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