A small AngularJS Service to interact with Devise Authentication.
This service requires Devise to respond to JSON. To do that, simply add
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
respond_to :html, :json
# ...
Aditionally, if you have CSRF Forgery
enabled for your controller actions, you will also need to include the
header with the token provided by rails. The easiest way
to include this is to use the
ng-rails-csrf gem. You may also
to include a XSRF-TOKEN
cookie, which Angular uses automatically.
AngularDevise is registered as angular-devise
bower install --save angular-devise
You can then use the main file at angular-devise/lib/devise-min.js
Just register Devise
as a dependency for your module. Then, the Auth
service will be available for use.
angular.module('myModule', ['Devise']).
config(function(AuthProvider) {
// Configure Auth service with AuthProvider
controller('myCtrl', function(Auth) {
// Use your configured Auth service.
returns a promise that will be resolved into the
currentUser. There are three possible outcomes:
- Auth has authenticated a user, and will resolve with that user.
- Auth has not authenticated a user but the server has a previously authenticated session, Auth will attempt to retrieve that session and resolve with its user.
- Neither Auth nor the server has an authenticated session, and an unresolved promise will be returned. (see Interceptor for rationale.)
angular.module('myModule', ['Devise']).
controller('myCtrl', function(Auth) {
Auth.currentUser().then(function(user) {
// User was logged in, or Devise returned
// previously authenticated session.
console.log(user); // => {id: 1, ect: '...'}
}, function(error) {
// unauthenticated error
will be either null
or the currentUser's object
representation. It is not recommended to directly access
, but instead use
angular.module('myModule', ['Devise']).
controller('myCtrl', function(Auth) {
console.log(Auth._currentUser); // => null
// Log in user...
console.log(Auth._currentUser); // => {id: 1, ect: '...'}
is a helper method to determine if a
currentUser is logged in with Auth.
angular.module('myModule', ['Devise']).
controller('myCtrl', function(Auth) {
console.log(Auth.isAuthenticated()); // => false
// Log in user...
console.log(Auth.isAuthenticated()); // => true
Use Auth.login()
to authenticate with the server. Keep in mind,
credentials are sent in plaintext; use a SSL connection to secure them.
is an object which should contain any credentials needed to
authenticate with the server. Auth.login()
will return a promise that
will resolve to the logged-in user. See
AuthProvider.parse() for parsing the user into a usable
angular.module('myModule', ['Devise']).
controller('myCtrl', function(Auth) {
var credentials = {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'password1'
Auth.login(credentials).then(function(user) {
console.log(user); // => {id: 1, ect: '...'}
}, function(error) {
// Authentication failed...
By default, login
will POST to '/users/sign_in.json'. The path and
HTTP method used to login are configurable using:
angular.module('myModule', ['Devise']).
config(function(AuthProvider) {
Use Auth.logout()
to de-authenticate from the server. Auth.logout()
returns a promise that will be resolved to the old currentUser.
angular.module('myModule', ['Devise']).
controller('myCtrl', function(Auth) {
// Log in user...
// ...
Auth.logout().then(function(oldUser) {
// alert(oldUser.name + "you're signed out now.");
}, function(error) {
// An error occurred logging out.
By default, logout
will DELETE to '/users/sign_out.json'. The path and
HTTP method used to logout are configurable using:
angular.module('myModule', ['Devise']).
config(function(AuthProvider) {
Use Auth.register()
to register and authenticate with the server. Keep
in mind, credentials are sent in plaintext; use a SSL connection to
secure them. creds
is an object that should contain any credentials
needed to register with the server. Auth.register()
will return a
promise that will resolve to the registered user. See
AuthProvider.parse() for parsing the user into a
usable object.
angular.module('myModule', ['Devise']).
controller('myCtrl', function(Auth) {
var credentials = {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'password1',
password_confirmation: 'password1'
Auth.register(credentials).then(function(registeredUser) {
console.log(registeredUser); // => {id: 1, ect: '...'}
}, function(error) {
// Registration failed...
By default, register
will POST to '/users.json'. The path and HTTP
method used to register are configurable using:
angular.module('myModule', ['Devise']).
config(function(AuthProvider) {
AngularDevise creates an $http
that listens for 401 Unauthorized
response codes. Its purpose is to
catch unauthorized requests on-the-fly and seamlessly recover. When it
catches a 401, it will:
- create a deferred
- broadcast a
event passing:- the ajax response
- the deferred
- return the deferred's promise
Since the deferred is passed to the devise:unauthorized
event, you are
free to resolve it (and the request) inside of the event listener. For
angular.module('myModule', []).
controller('myCtrl', function($scope, Auth, $http) {
// Guest user
// Catch unauthorized requests and recover.
$scope.$on('devise:unauthorized', function(event, xhr, deferred) {
// Ask user for login credentials
Auth.login(credentials).then(function() {
// Successfully logged in.
// Redo the original request.
return $http(xhr.config);
}).then(function(response) {
// Successfully recovered from unauthorized error.
// Resolve the original request's promise.
}, function(error) {
// There was an error.
// Reject the original request's promise.
// Request requires authorization
// Will cause a `401 Unauthorized` response,
// that will be recovered by our listener above.
$http.delete('/users/1').then(function(response) {
// Deleted user 1
}, function(error) {
// Something went wrong.
The Interceptor can be disabled globally or on a per-request basis using the
angular.module('myModule', ['Devise']).
config(function(AuthProvider) {
// Ignore 401 Unauthorized everywhere
controller('myCtrl', function($http) {
// Enable per-request
url: '/',
ignoreAuth: false,
// ...
By default, AngularDevise uses the following HTTP methods/paths:
- login: POST /users/sign_in.json
- logout: DELETE /users/sign_out.json
- register: POST /users.json
And the following parse function:
function parse(response) {
var user = response.data;
return user;
All of these can be configured using a .config
block in your module.
angular.module('myModule', ['Devise']).
config(function(AuthProvider) {
// Customise login
// Customise logout
// Customise register
// Ignore 401 Unauthorized everywhere
// Disables `devise:unauthorized` interceptor
// Customize user parsing
// NOTE: **MUST** return a truth-y expression
AuthProvider.parse(function(response) {
return new User(response.data);
AngularDevise is maintained by Cloudspace, and is distributed under the MIT License.