I am a dedicated design professional and software developer with a background in Art and Architecture. Driven by the curiosity to translate my design skills in the tech industry, my pursued self-study in computer programming led me to enrolling in Nashville Software School. At NSS, I am gaining the real world application of contemporary languages and frameworks such as JavaScript, React, Python and Django.
- Frontend web development (ReactJS)
- Backend web development (Python, Django)
- Design Thinking
- Graphic Design and Typography
- 3D modeling
- Currently working as a Software Engineer for Repped In Tech
- Watch Party - Final Capstone for Nashville Software School (full-stack)
- Hip-Hop Pizza and Wangs - Point of Sale Application (full-stack)
- JavaScript, ReactJS, Python, Django
- CSS, Bootstrap, Figma, Adobe Creative Cloud
- VSCode, PostmanAPI, Google Firebase, dbdiagram, Netlify