V1.0.0-rc.19 Released
Breaking Changes
- Zoom Control is updated to new style, deleted zoom control's slider component
What's Changed
- fix ui collision in firefox by @deyihu in #1905
- set depthFunc to always to fix tile-z-fighting by @fuzhenn in #1907
- measure tool support config decimalPlaces by @deyihu in #1910
- improve findParentTiles and findChildTiles to avoid blank tiles while… by @fuzhenn in #1911
- updates on terrain by @fuzhenn in #1903
- Rename the base class's _isUpdating to _isUpdatingOptions by @deyihu in #1915
- some tweaks of TileLayer for terrain and add TileLayer.options['fadeA… by @fuzhenn in https://github.com//pull/1917
- some tweaks of animation by @deyihu in #1919
- optimize zoom control, add compass and reset control by @yy923683900 in #1921
- Update toolbar and infowindow styles by @yy923683900 in #1922
- fix deletion of Polygon's holes by @ydfzgyj in #1931
- fix map view animation when missing some perspective parameters by @deyihu in #1935
- respect opacity and zIndex of child layer in GroupTileLayer, fix #1936 by @fuzhenn in #1938
- add markType description above updateSymbol method by @mmjinglin163 in #1929
- Some tweaks for terrain by @fuzhenn in #1939
- add Layer._silentConfig by @fuzhenn in #1940
- update default position of compass and overview controls by @fuzhenn in #1945
- fix polygon holes delete Vertex Not effective when editing by @deyihu in #1944
- map add preventTouch config by @deyihu in #1942
New Contributors
- @yy923683900 made their first contribution in #1921
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc.18...v1.0.0-rc.19
- 修改了 Zoom Control 默认样式,取消了中间的slider滑块
What's Changed
- 解决firefox上UIComponent的碰撞检测 by @deyihu in #1905
- 解决独立空间参考的TileLayer上的z-fighting by @fuzhenn in #1907
- DistanceTool和AreaTool增加decimalPlaces设置用于设置结果的小数点位数 by @deyihu in #1910
- 改进瓦片遍历算法 by @fuzhenn in #1911
- 地形相关修改 by @fuzhenn in #1903
- Base class的 _isUpdating 方法重命名为 _isUpdatingOptions by @deyihu in #1915
- TileLayer对地形的一些修改 by @fuzhenn in #1917
- 更新了动画逻辑 by @deyihu in #1919
- 更新ZoomControl样式,新增CompassControl和ResetControl by @yy923683900 in #1921
- 更新Toolbar和InfoWindow的默认样式 by @yy923683900 in #1922
- 修正Polygon的holes的删除问题 by @ydfzgyj in #1931
- 解决map动画的一些bug by @deyihu in #1935
- 解决GroupTileLayer中子图层opacity和zIndex不生效的问题, fix #1936 by @fuzhenn in #1938
- 更新markerType的二五年当 by @mmjinglin163 in #1929
- 增加Layer._silentConfig属性来控制图层更新options时的自动重绘 by @fuzhenn in #1940
- 更新Compass和Reset控件的默认位置 by @fuzhenn in #1945
- 解决编辑Polygon时,无法删除空洞端点的问题 by @deyihu in #1944
- 增加map.options.preventTouch 设置 by @deyihu in #1942