ManyBabies4 analysis
- MB4_part1_data_clean.qmd: This script aggregates the three main data files and prepares the dataset for analysis
- MB4_part2_Bayesian_analysis.qmd: This script performs the main analysis
- MB4_part3_Frequentist_analysis.qmd: This script performs the frequentist analysis as a supplement
- analysis_structure.Rmd: This document details the pre-registered analysis plan for the MB4 study, and illustrates it with simulated data
- Simulations.Rmd: This document provides evidence from simulated data for choices made in the ManyBabies4 study
- MB4_pilot_analysis.Rmd: This script analyzes data from the initial pilot
- Other R scripts: Dependencies and/or functions for simuliations and plotting during pilot analyses
- MB4_compiledData_June2019.csv: Dataset from the initial pilot
These folders contains results of the pilot analysis and simulations
Data from the main study is stored on the project's OSF repository. To fully reproduce the analyses performed in the qmd files in the final_analysis folder, follow these steps:
Download the entire RProject from this repository (in browser window, you can do so by clicking code -> Download ZIP, then unzipping the file with the software of your choice)
In the main mb4-analysis folder, create two folders: main_data and intermediates.
Download clean_data.csv, cb_orders.csv, looking_time_reliability_data.csv, and contributing_lab_list.csv from the OSF repository; place all four files in the main_data folder.
Run the codes in the final_analysis folder in the following order: MB4_part1_data_clean.qmd -> MB4_part2_Bayesian_analysis.qmd -> MB4_part3_Frequentist_analysis.qmd