The repository contains all code and experiments for submodular policy optimization (SubPO). Currently algorithm/experiments are focused to optimize Non-additive rewards modelled using monotone submodular function. However, the algorithm is general and can be used with any monotone non-Additive reward functions.
- The code is tested on Python 3.8.5 and 3.8.10
- On the cluster, you can load gcc/8.2.0 python/3.8.5 ffmpeg/5.0
- Install packages from requirements.txt
- Set the following params in; by default, it is set to name "subrl". Rest all the things can be changed in the config file
workspace = "subrl"
env_load_path = workspace + \
"/environments/" + params["env"]["node_weight"]+ "/env_" + \
args.env is environment number, params["env"]["node_weight"] takes a value from
- The following commands run the experiments:
python3 subrl/ -i $i -env $env_i -param $param_i (finite state action spaces)
python3 subrl/gym_env/ -i $i -param $param_i (Mujoco-Ant)
python3 subrl/car_racing/ -i $i -param $param_i (Car-Racing)
$param_i = Name of the param file (see params folder) to pick an algorithm and the environment type
$env_i = an integer to pick an instance of the environment
$i = an integer to run multiple instances
- Following example forllowing scripts runs subrl in different environments
python3 subrl/ -i 1 -env 1 -param "GP/subrl_M"
python3 subrl/ -i 1 -env 1 -param "steiner/subrl_M"
python3 subrl/ -i 1 -env 1 -param "entropy/subrl_M"
python3 subrl/ -i 1 -env 1 -param "gorilla/subrl_M"
python3 subrl/ -i 1 -env 1 -param "two_rooms/subrl_M"
python3 subrl/ -i 1 -env 1 -param "coverage/subrl_M" (set node_weight = constant or bimodal)
python3 subrl/ -i 1 -env 1 -param "bimodal/subrl_M"
python3 subrl/car_racing/ -i 1 -param "car_subrl"
python3 subrl/gym_env/ -i 1 -param "gym_subRL"
- Also you can create more config files that can be passed on similar to subrl_M, eg subrl_NM, subrl_SRL, etc. You can visualize results on directly wandb.