This repository contains a complete setup of MangAdventure using docker-compose.
All images use Alpine Linux.
First, you will need to clone this repository:
git clone
cd mangadocker
Then, use this command to create the required directories:
mkdir -p media static .well-known nginx/{certs,logs}
SSL certificates in nginx/certs
will be available
under /etc/letsencrypt
inside the container.
You can also add relevant files to .well-known
Here's an example security.txt
Contact: mailto:[email protected] Canonical: Policy:
The file status_auth.txt
is required
in order to set up /__status__
You can create it with the following command:
printf > status_auth.txt '%s:%s\n' \
"$(read -rp 'Username: '; printf "$REPLY")" \
"$(openssl passwd -noverify)"
It will ask you to specify the credentials which you can then use to view the site status.
Next, edit the following files as needed:
Some settings are empty and must be set.
Now, you can start the containers:
docker compose up
Once the site has been set up, static files will be copied to static
You can write your own styles in static/styles/extra.scss
and compile it:
docker compose exec mangadventure mangadventure collectstatic --noinput