This docker image use for testing application using JWT and x509 cert endpoint, something like Google Firebase authentication.
Docker repo:
docker pull nvcnvn/fake_token:1.0.0
docker run --name test_name -it -p 8080:8080 nvcnvn/fake_token:1.0.0
- Cert endpoint: http://localhost:8080/robot/v1/metadata/x509/[email protected]
- Token generate endpoint: http://localhost:8080/token with parameters:
- template: template file path
- kid: specific the key (returned from cert endpoint) for signing, if not set then use a random key to sign
- IssuerPrefix: usage in token template
- Audience: usage in token template
- AuthTime: if not set
UnixSecond(now - 1 min)
- UserID: if not set
- IssueAt: if not set
- Expiration: if not set
UnixSecond(now + 1 hour)
- PhoneNumber: if not set
- template: template file path
ENV PORT=":8080"
ENV KEYS_GLOB="./private_pems/*.pem"
ENV TEMPLATES_GLOB="./templates/*.template"
ENV CERT_NOT_BEFORE="Jan 2 15:04:05 2006"
ENV CERT_NOT_AFTER="Jan 2 15:04:05 2026"