I'm a Front End Web Developer, Graphic Designer, Content Creator and I.T/Cybersecurity Consultant from Kenya. I'm currently pursuing my Bsc in IT while working on my company and other projects. I currently passionate about JAMstack, PWAs, Headless CMS, Nocode(the irony), Sustainability, Neural Nets, Hugo, S.E.O, Web Performance, Blogging/Vlogging/"Podgging"/Logging, Solving world problems, World Domination and Automation. When I'm not developing and building things, you can find me watching things on youtube, writing articles, watching anime, daydreaming or on my laptop gaming. But most of my days are spent working on projects, listening to LoFi/ChillHop/RainyJazz, Studying or watching anime
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OwlSec Technologies: Founder and Consultant 💼
The Noesis: Chief Editor, Developer and Founder ✒
The Bistro Ke Daily Newsletter: Founder, Editor in Chief and Developer ☕
SAOA Media, Tech and Agriculture: Founder, Designer and Developer 💼
The Noesis: Chief Editor, Developer and Founder ✒
Open World: Freelance 🌐
Men's Manifest Clothing Store: Founder and Dev 🚀 coming soon
Sepochi Co Online Store: Founder and Dev 🚀 coming soon
Stephen Ajulu's Personal Portfolio, Blog and Notes Website: Owner and Developer 🚀 ....
GreeetinCard: Founder, Developer and Designer 🚀 coming soon
Tech6: Founder and Developer 🚀 coming soon
T.H.I.S: Founder, Developer and Data Entry 🚀 coming soon
BioEmergency & Biomme: Founder and Developer 🚀 coming soon
Lofyd 🚀 coming soon