Post-process the output .dat file from Maestro (Schrodinger) after a molecular dynamics with Desmond.
This jupiter notebook shows the steps to process the "raw data" or .dat files from Mestro after molecular dynamics. Specifically, consider the following files:
- PL-Contacts_HBond.dat
- PL-Contacts_Hydrophobic.dat
- PL-Contacts_Ionic.dat
- PL-Contacts_Pi-Cation.dat
- PL-Contacts_Pi-Pi.dat
- PL-Contacts_WaterBridge.dat
- Create a folder with the necessary files. For example:
mkdir InteractionAnalysis
mv PL-* InteractionAnalysis/
Download the jupyter notebook file on this folder "InteractionAnalysis" (previous step) . To run it you just need to open a console and type:
Open the jupiter notebook file and execute the steps.
The output will be an excel file (called Interaction.xlsx) which you can plot with another program (e.g. Excel, GraphPad, plotly, R, etc). You can apply more lines of code to this notebook to plot as you like!
Additionally, an image of the plot will be saved in png format.
Note: The interaction file PL-Contacts_Metal is not processed in this version.