A project to make the original ccmudlib and other MudOS-alike mud libraries (like the ones from Final Realms or Discworld) work with a modern DGD mud driver.
What? Ok, a more detailed explanation. Text-based online games, usually called MUDs, evolved from the original game in families of related games, mainly based in the technologies used to implement them. One of these big families groups the LP-Muds, coded in the LPC programming language. During all these years, different virtual machines (usually called drivers or servers in the mud community) were developed to execute slightly similar flavours of LPC, like LDMud, MudOS/FluffOS, or DGD. After years of working in games developed over MudOS, this project started as a way of reuse all of that code using DGD.
Why? DGD has some modern approaches to the problems a MUD driver tries to solve, and it is published with a less restrictive open source license. It offers less functionalities because it's not only oriented towards MUD games, so the programmer needs to code some of them by their own. This library acts as that layer.
Current version v2.0 (renamed from v1.24.04) Castle Black.
Next milestone v2.1 Daggerfall.
- Current project status and roadmap in the roadmap document.
- Detailed compatibility information with every MudOS function (its efuns) in the compatibility document.
- Compatibility about every command from old mudlibs in the commands document.
Take a look to the installation instructions, it explains how to install, configure and execute the Hexagon mudlib using different methods:
- a) Recommended: using a Docker container.
- b) Using a virtual machine: Install a VirtualBox virtual machine already configured using vagrant.
- c) Compiling it yourself: Compiling the DGD driver and executing it in a Unix environment (Unix, Linux, OS X, etc)