A simple web app to play Tic Tac Toe against a dummy computer opponent.
- Play a game of Tic Tac Toe on a 3x3 board.
- Start a new game at any time with an option to go first or after the computer opponent.
- Computer opponent's AI is simple and chooses squares at random (except when going first, then center tile is always picked).
- Game data persists to user's http session.
- For sake of simplicity web app does not come with a test suite or ability to persist data to a database.
- App has been designed to render each time through a full page refresh (also in the name of simplicity).
- Player can leave the game and come back later to finish it (as long as his session persists).
- Language: Java 8
- Framework: Spring Boot
- UI Layer: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Thymeleaf (Java Template Engine)
- Build Tool: Gradle
- Install Java 8.
- Download and install gradle from https://gradle.org/gradle-download/.
- git clone https://github.com/randomvlad/TicTacToe.git
- Change directory to "TicTacToe" and run command "gradle bootRun".
- Make sure your host file is configured for localhost. Example: map IP to localhost.
- Once gradle build has finished and is running, go to http://localhost:8080/tictactoe/ and play a game.
- To terminate gradle bootRun, kill process with CTRL + C.