Application create for tracking tasks and working hours on projects. Application based on REST architecture, for frontend is used ReactJS library Hours and tasks is open-source project.
Demo version of projects:
User: test Password: password
Dont use your private data on demo version
- Java
- Spring boot
- Spring security
- Liquibase
- H2 database for development
- PostgreSQL for production
- ReactJS
- Reactstrap
- Fontawesome
- Clone project to your PC or server
- Go to project folder
- Modify src/main/resources/ if needed
- Modify src/main/webapp/src/services/API.js if needed change API endpoint for frontend
- Run one of next commands in terminal:
For run just backend:
spring-boot:run -P development-backend
For run frontend and backend
spring-boot:run -P development
For run on production with PostgreSQL
spring-boot:run -P production
All dependencies and libraries will download automatically
For run UI tests on local machine:
- Set development profile
- Make build
- Run tests
- Folder src/main/java contains backend
- Folder src/main/webapp contains frontend
- Folder src/main/resources contains backend configuration