Please check out Auster at:
Majin develop project Auster ini untuk menyebarkan ide pengelolaan uang pribadi dengan menyediakan system gratis yg gampang dipakai oleh masyarakat
Dan disamping itu, kita ingin menggunakan source code project ini sebagai contoh pengajaran web application development
Setup process
- run
yarn install
- copy .env.sample file and create .env file di folder yang sama
- setup database
di localhost postgres - setup database structure, run
yarn workspace server run migrate
- prefil database with some data, run
yarn workspace server run seed
- run
yarn run dev
this will run both React web app and NodeJS server at the same time if you follow the port in the .env http://localhost:4010 will be NodeJS server http://localhost:4020 will be React web app
for NodeJS server you can test with these links to check if it work
- http://localhost:4010/public/time will return server time
- http://localhost:4010/public/hello/majin will return 'Hello, Majin!'
in seed data, we have added one user for testing, login with username: [email protected] password: password