This is a API and microservices based Demo node application which contains separate Frontend Backend and the database used is mysql.
- task 1 : Go through the code of the application. understand about the ports to expose to connect the frontend backend and the database mysql.
- task 2 : Run the application in local environment and check the connectivity with the database.
- task 3 : Create a repository on your github account and push the code there using cli.
- task 1 : Create dockerfile for frontend and backend and containerize the frontend and backend.
- task 2 : Run the containers on localhost. make sure that after running frontend backend and database of the application is running fine and the database is connected.
- task 3 : Push the Dockerfile on your github repository.
- task 4 : Attach volume with the containers.
- tast 1 : Create jenkins CI job to automate the build of image for frontend and backend and push it on docker hub whenever there is any change in the code the pipeline will triggered automatically.
- task 2 : Create jenkins CD jobs to host the application on local environment.
- task 3 : Link the jobs(up-stream and down-stream). If the build job successfully run the cd will trrigers automatically.
- task 1 : Create manifest files to host the application on minikube(k8s). Create seprate deployment and services for frontend, backend and mysql servers.
- task 2 : Host the application on minikube locally.
- task 3 : Make a new github repository and push the yamls on github repository.
- task 1 : Create jenkins CD jobs to host the application on a minikube environment.
- task 2 : Create a dev environment for the application.