An openhab binding for the Wemo Switch
To use this binding.
add the binding to openhab
add the following to the openhab.cfg file
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX should be replaced with your wemo switch ID. If you don't know it, it should appear in the openhab log or in the console window when the binding discovers the switch.
From here it works the same as the Sonos binding.
- In your demo.items file add the following
/* Demo items */ Switch ChristmasTree "Christmas Tree" {wemo=">[ON:office:SetState], >[OFF:office:SetState]", autoupdate="true"}
In your demo.sitemap file add the following
Frame label="Binary Widgets" { Switch item=ChristmasTree mappings=[ON="ON", OFF="OFF"] Switch item=DemoSwitch label="Toggle Switch" Switch item=DemoSwitch label="Button Switch" mappings=[ON="On"] }
You can put the switch where you like. I happened to use the demo site and the demo config. I added my switch to the widgets section of the main menu. http://localhost:8080/
I recommend reading this file in RAW. Or download it to your text editor.