Python class for parsing a template into a regex, used for matching into name-value pairs.
See also examples in the examples folder.
template = RegTemplate('some/dir')
# Parse a template from a file inside the base directory
# Or parse from a string:
# template.parse('template string here')
# Match an output string against the template. Name/value pairs are returned.
pairs = template.match('some output text')
# Match all. If the regex matches several times, return a list of list of pairs:
list_of_pairs = template.match_all('some output text some output text')
Displaying numbers from index {{ index_name|word }}
Number of interesting events: {{ num_events|digits }}
Number of pages: {{ num_pages|digits }}
template.rules['digits'] = '\d+'
# Default rule if no rule is given in the template
template.rule_dflt = '\S+'
template.ignore_whitespace = True
template.var_start = '{{'
template.var_end = '}}'