This is the source code for the MS4000 - the next-generation version of the MagicShifter Light Synthesizer! (
This is a mono-repo.. This repository contains the Magicshifter OS, built with platformio, and includes assets and tooling to get a MagicShifter firmware built and installed.
- install platformio - you will need the command-line (pio) tooling, but may have success with the PlatformIO IDE
- Developers: Edit the firmware in firmware/src, Build the firmware:
cd firmware && make
- see also other targets in firmware/Makefile (i.e. 'make flash', etc.) - We are using protocol-buffers to synchronize state between the firmware and the web - the web interface is generated from the protobuf definition, which is included as .h/.c in the firmware. 'make proto' targets abound!
- remember to read the Makefile
make pio-deps
can get you started... don't forget to see the 'copy-libs' target, too: nanopb is generated from our MS3000.proto file- default make target copies libraries (copy-libs) that are auto-generated from the protobuffer target, into lib/nanopb
* we get ubuntu ready:
`apt install protobuf-compiler python-protobuf python3-pip git build-essential`
* (recommended) set up a python venv and activate it:
`mkdir MS4000_workdir && python3 -m venv .venv && . .venv/bin/activate`
* we install some python tools - platformio and protocol buffers:
`pip3 install platformio python3-protobuf grpcio_tools`
* clone the repo:
`git clone MS4000.clone`
* set up nanopb:
`cd MS4000.clone/tools/nanopb/generator/proto && make && cd -`
* build the MS3KOS - default target also flashes to a connected MagicShifter:
`cd MS4000.clone/firmware/ && make`
* you may need to give yourself access to the callout group, where USERNAME is of course your own user name:
`sudo adduser USERNAME dialout`
* Please note, depending on your needs, you may need to do:
`export PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION=python make proto # may be necessary`
* Note: the firmware uses protocol buffers to communicate between firmware and web instances. To buid proto:
`make proto`
PlatformIO allows us to very easily manage project dependencies and complete fully cross-platform builds for multiple system types, which should - theoretically - be automatically set up when you first run a make on the newly cloned repository.
* MacOS:
`brew install platformio`
* Linux: Set up venv, install python 3.7 (or so..), then:
`pip install platformio`
Since we use the ESP8266, we have a nice UART available. Perhaps you will need a driver to get the serial device for your system - please install the popular siLABs usb-uart driver, its what we use also (not necessary on Linux):
On Linux, the device shows up automatically as /dev/ttyUSB0, on MacOS, it might be something different (e.g. "/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART") - but either way, the command:
`pio device list`
.. will show you what your system sees, device-wise.
Linux is great, but we also take care to make sure we can also still use MacOS to do builds, too - after all, platformIO solves a lot of the tooling issues. If you have a contribution, please keep in mind our desire to keep things cross-platform; and we'd love to have tooling for Windows, alas none of us use it.
In this current directory, type: `make factory`
make -C firmware monitor
This is an open source project - we'd love to see you do something with src/firmware/Modes/ - but anything you'd like to fix, is also great!