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Product Variants services

Ruslan Kostiv edited this page Sep 29, 2020 · 1 revision

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Let's assume we have configurable product [id=42] with 2 options:


color: [red, blue]

size: [l, xl]

SF App storage:

id option_value product_id parent_id
configurable/42/1 42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOmJsdWUtaWQ6== 1 42
configurable/42/1 42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6 1 42
configurable/42/2 42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOnJlZC1pZDo= 2 42
configurable/42/2 42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6 2 42
configurable/42/3 42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOnJlZC1pZDo= 3 42
configurable/42/3 42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86bC1pZDo= 3 42
message ProductVariant {
  string id = 1;// convention :prefix:/:parentId:/:entityId:
  repeated string option_values = 2;// parent_id:option_id/optionValue.uid
  string product_id = 3;
message OptionSelectionRequest
  string store = 1;
  // array of option_values with the following format parent_id:option_id/optionValue.uid
  repeated string values = 2;
message ProductVariantResponse {
  repeated ProductVariant matched_variants = 3;

rpc GetVariantsExactlyMatch (OptionSelectionRequest) returns (ProductVariantResponse) {}


    store: 1,
    values: [

Response #1.1 (fully match only 1 record):

        id: 'configurable/42/1',
        option_values: [
        product_id: 1


    store: 1,
    values: [

Response #1.2:


GetVariantsExactlyMatch should return only fully matched records. 42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6 option value is present in configurable/42/1 and configurable/42/2 variants, but matched variants partially, because each variant has 2 option values, requested values should match both records as into Request 1.1

rpc GetVariantsInclude (OptionSelectionRequest) returns (ProductVariantResponse) {}


    store: 1,
    values: [

Response #2.1 (2 variants matches with 3 option_values):

        id: 'configurable/42/1',
        option_values: [
        product_id: 1
        id: 'configurable/42/2',
        option_values: [
        product_id: 2


    store: 1,
    values: [

Response #2.2 (2 variants matches with 3 option_values):

        id: 'configurable/42/1',
        option_values: [
        product_id: 1
        id: 'configurable/42/2',
        option_values: [
        product_id: 2

rpc GetVariantsMatch (OptionSelectionRequest) returns (ProductVariantResponse) {}


    store: 1,
    values: [

Result of search into storage will look like this:

id option_value product_id parent_id weight
configurable/42/1 42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOmJsdWUtaWQ6== 1 42 2
configurable/42/1 42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6 1 42 2
configurable/42/2 42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6 2 42 1

configurable/42/1 has weight result 2 (group by id), so this variant with 2 option values is a result.

Response #3.1:

        id: 'configurable/42/1',
        option_values: [
        product_id: 1


    store: 1,
    values: [

Result of search into storage will look like this:

id option_value product_id parent_id weight
configurable/42/1 42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6 1 42 1
configurable/42/2 42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6 2 42 1

configurable/42/1 and configurable/42/2 both have weight result 1 (group by id), so these 2 variants with 1 option value is a result of request.

Response #3.2 (2 variants matches with 2 option_values):

        id: 'configurable/42/1',
        option_values: [
        product_id: 1
        id: 'configurable/42/2',
        option_values: [
        product_id: 2