This project is a simple breakout board for the attiny84.
So, having bulk ordered to save a bit of cash, I have a lot of these attiny 84's. They're a great, cheap little chip and sometimes you just need a few more pins than the 85 has.
This board has such features as: A Power LED, a blink LED attached to D8 and pin spacing to suit a protoboard. It lacks features like anything else.
There are three sections, the circuit design for kicad, a few photos of the finished product and some working examples..
To use this board with the arduino IDE, you're going to need an appropriate boards.txt. I've been using one from
This project was designed by John Spencer - [email protected] -
Made at!
To the HackMelbourne (CCHS, community of Melbourne, Australia.
To all other open-source developers whose countless hours supported every other aspect of this design.
The specific terms of distribution of this project are governed by the license referenced below. Please contact the copyright owner if you wish to modify the board for distribution. Please utilize this design for personal or research projects. Please acknowledge all contributors.
Licensed under the TAPR Open Hardware License ( The "license" sub-folder also contains a copy of this license in plain text format.
Copyright John Spencer 2014 [email protected]