A collection of settings tiles to easily create a settings screen.
See the installing instructions.
Create a setting section that displays a list of setting tiles, optionally separated by a divider, with a title at the top:
title: 'A setting section',
tiles: [
// A list of tiles
To remove the dividers between the setting tiles, set the divider
parameter to null
A simple tile that only displays text and has no interactions:
const SettingTextTile(
icon: Icons.abc,
title: 'Text',
description: 'This is a text tile',
A tile that calls an action when tapped:
icon: Icons.touch_app,
title: 'Action',
description: 'This is an action tile',
onTap: () {
print('The action tile was tapped');
A tile that displays a switch:
icon: Icons.toggle_on,
title: 'Switch',
description: 'This is a switch tile',
toggled: true,
onChanged: (value) {
// Handle state change
A tile that displays a checkbox:
icon: Icons.check_box,
title: 'Checkbox',
description: 'This is a checkbox tile',
checked: true,
onChanged: (value) {
if (value == null) {
// Handle state change
A tile that shows a dialog with a single option to choose:
icon: Icons.radio_button_on,
title: 'Single option',
description: 'This is a single option tile',
dialogTitle: 'Options',
options: const ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],
initialOption: 'Option 1',
onSubmitted: (value) {
// Handle state change
The .detailed
named constructor allows you to specify the title and an optional subtitle for each option.
The list of options must be a list of MultipleOptionsDetails
, which is a record containing the value, the title and the optional subtitle of the option:
icon: Icons.radio_button_on,
title: 'Single option (detailed)',
description: 'This is a detailed single option tile',
dialogTitle: 'Options',
options: const [
(value: 'Option 1', title: 'Option n°1', subtitle: 'This is option n°1'),
(value: 'Option 2', title: 'Option n°2', subtitle: 'This is option n°2'),
(value: 'Option 3', title: 'Option n°3', subtitle: 'This is option n°3'),
initialOption: selectedOption,
onSubmitted: (value) {
// Handle state change
A tile that shows a dialog with multiple options to choose from:
icon: Icons.checklist,
title: 'Multiple options',
description: 'This is a multiple options tile',
dialogTitle: 'Options',
options: const ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],
initialOptions: const ['Option 1', 'Option 3'],
onSubmitted: (value) {
// Handle state change
The .detailed
named constructor allows you to specify the title and an optional subtitle for each option.
The list of options must be a list of MultipleOptionsDetails
, which is a record containing the value, the title and the optional subtitle of the option:
icon: Icons.checklist,
title: 'Multiple options (detailed)',
description: 'This is a detailed multiple options tile',
dialogTitle: 'Options',
options: const [
(value: 'Option 1', title: 'Option n°1', subtitle: 'This is option n°1'),
(value: 'Option 2', title: 'Option n°2', subtitle: 'This is option n°2'),
(value: 'Option 3', title: 'Option n°3', subtitle: 'This is option n°3'),
initialOptions: const ['Option 1', 'Option 3'],
onSubmitted: (value) {
// Handle state change
A tile that shows a dialog with a text field:
icon: Icons.text_fields,
title: 'Text field',
description: 'This is a text field tile',
dialogTitle: 'Text',
initialText: 'Some text',
onSubmitted: (value) {
// Handle state change
A tile that shows a dialog with a slider:
icon: Icons.linear_scale,
title: 'Slider',
description: 'This is a slider tile',
dialogTitle: 'Slider',
min: 1.0,
max: 10.0,
divisions: 9,
initialValue: 5.0,
onSubmitted: (value) {
// Handle state change
A tile that shows a dialog with some color pickers and a preview of the picked color:
icon: Icons.color_lens,
title: 'Color',
description: 'This is a color tile',
dialogTitle: 'Color',
initialColor: Colors.blue,
onSubmitted: (value) {
// Handle state change
To change the available color pickers, set the colorPickers
parameter. To enable all the color pickers, set it to ColorPickerType.values
A tile that shows information about the application and opens Flutter's AboutDialog
when tapped:
const SettingAboutTile(
applicationIcon: Image.asset('assets/icon/icon.png'),
title: 'Application name',
description: 'v1.0.0',
The name of the application needs to passed to the title
parameter, and the version to the description
See the example app.