OpenCommerceSearch is an e-commerce API on top of Solr. It extends Solr to add common e-commerce business rules. The API can be used to power search pages, navigation pages, autocomplete/instant search, product detail pages, custom landing pages and other product widgets. The API is currently powering these use cases and more at and
The project is organized in multiple modules:
- opencommercesearch-api: this is the API users and applications interact with. Written in Scala using Play Framework, ReactiveMongo and Play-SolrJ
- opencommercesearch-common: small library with common Scala classes used by the API and other Scala extensions. For example, the instant search @ uses OCS out of the box suggestions for queries, products, brands and categories. Additionally, Backcountry has implemented a custom suggester for its Explore posts section and added it as plug to their OCS API.
- opencommercesearch-sdk-java: provides a Java SDK to interact with OCS API endpoints.
- opencommercesearch-sdk-js: provides a JavaScript SDK to interact with OCS API endpoints. Comming soon...
- opencommercesearch-relevancy-tool: an editorial tool to measure the relevancy impact of user defined rules. The tool is written with AngularJS and Firebase and currently uses NDCG as the relevancy metric.
- opencommercesearch-solr: provides a number of custom Solr extensions used by the API
Finally, there are a couple modules to integrate Open Commerce Search with ATG Web Commerce:
- opencommercesearch-atg-pub: includes ATG repository definitions and BCC UI customizations. Such customizations allow business users to create custom define rules like: facets, manual boosts, ranking rules, blocking rules, A/B tests, etc. The BCC interacts with OCS API to include the rules within the OCS API.
- opencommercesearh-atg-common: this is a legacy module. Still has some functionality used to integrate ATG and OCS. Includes stuff like a base search feed classes and components to synchronized synonym lists with Zookeeper.
- Copy the opencommercesearch-solr jar to the lib directory under the lib directory in Sorl home directory.
By default, the configurtion files use the Synonym Expanding Query Parser. Hence you need to deploy the jar hon-lucene-synonyms-1.2.2-solr-4.1.0.jar in the same lib directory
- Add opencommercesearch-pub jar under the lib in the Publishing module and update the config path in META-INF. For example:
ATG-Class-Path: lib/classes lib/classes.jar lib/opencommercesearch-pub-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar ATG-Config-Path: config lib/opencommercesearch-pub-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Add opencommercesearch-common jar under the lib in the Store module and update the config path in META-INF. For example:
ATG-Class-Path: lib/hotfix/p13311143_1001_v1_lib.jar lib/classes lib/classes.jar lib/resources.jar ... lib/opencommercesearch/opencommercesearch-common-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar lib/opencommercesearch/opencommercesearch-solr-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar lib/solr/solr-solrj-4.6.1.jar lib/solr/solr-core-4.6.1.jar lib/solr/zookeeper-3.4.5.jar lib/solr/spatial4j-0.3.jar lib/lucene/lucene-core-4.6.1.jar lib/lucene/lucene-analyzers-common-4.6.1.jar lib/lucene/lucene-queries-4.6.1.jar lib/lucene/lucene-queryparser-4.6.1.jar lib/lucene/lucene-grouping-4.6.1.jar lib/lucene/lucene-suggest-4.6.1.jar lib/lucene/lucene-highlighter-4.6.1.jar lib/lucene/lucene-memory-4.6.1.jar lib/lucene/lucene-misc-4.6.1.jar lib/lucene/lucene-analyzers-phonetic-4.6.1.jar lib/lucene/hon-lucene-synonyms-1.3.1-solr-4.3.0.jar ... ATG-Config-Path: lib/opencommercesearch/opencommercesearch-common-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar config
NOTE: you may need to add more dependencies to the class path.
Map the repositories for in the topology files
/org/commercesearch/repository/SearchRepository /org/commercesearch/repository/SearchRepository_preview /org/commercesearch/repository/SearchRepository /org/commercesearch/repository/SearchRepository_production -
Add this atg/dynamo/service/idspaces.xml
By default, OpenCommerceSearch configures the deployment agents atg/epub/ to add the IndexingDeploymentListener on all instances where opencommercesearch-common is deployed. If you have multiple instances for a given environment you may want to disable on some of them. Otherwise, the search server will re-index rules on all instances.
Deploy a SearchServer configuration files to use different collection/server. Typical ATG deployments have two environments: preview & public. By default, the file included in the common jar points to the preview instance:
catalogCollection=catalogPreview rulesCollection=rulePreview
For public facing instance, you need to create a to point the server to the public collections:
catalogCollection=catalogPublic rulesCollection=rulePublic
After starting the bcc BCC, map the SearchRepository to each target SearchRepository. Make changss live!!