Gallery experiment with dynamic css tiles, less script possible, integrated lightbox with touch events.
Now with multi galleries support! Soon API for lightbox.
Minified size: 12.58 kb (9.16 kb js + 3.42 kb css).
As soon as I understand how this github works, I'll upload a working example.
- face tiles example 2 [main page] (lightbox fill mode = 3: auto)
- face tiles example (lightbox fill mode = 2: fill screen)
for users:
- [js] jquery.js, link or download at jquery site
- [js] square-gallery-lightbox.min.js
- [css] square-gallery-lightbox.min.css
- [images] big images, and related square thumbnail (at least 180×180 px)
for developers:
- [js] jquery.js
- [js] square-gallery.js
- [js] image-lightbox-like.js
- [css] square-gallery.css
- [css] image-lightbox.css
- [images] big images, and related square thumbnail
Load the required stylesheet files, jQuery library and other required resources in the head section of the document
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="square-gallery-lightbox.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="square-gallery-lightbox.min.css">
Put a div with custom id in the body section of the document, wherever you want to place the gallery.
<div id="custom-gallery-id"></div>
Last: add few line of javascript:
//images array must contain the thumbnail, the big image urls and (optionally) a description
//here an example if you named all the files like "face-#", where # = (int) 1...40
//obviously you can also create an array manually, and/or with other languages.
var squares = new Array(40);
for (var i=1;i<=40;i++){
squares[i-1] = ['IMAGES/squares/face-'+i+'.jpg', 'IMAGES/face-'+i+'.jpg'];
//woops: add another image I forgotted... :)
squares.push(['IMAGES/squares/face-41.jpg', 'IMAGES/face-41.jpg', "this is a description!\nWith new lines too."]);
//optionally TA() function accepts a bunch of parameters. see API section
var gallery = new TA({
id : "#custom-gallery-id",
images : squares
You can set the TA() parameters at any time, and start the gallery automatic creation:
id : "#custom-gallery-id",
//mandatory - no default
//the id of the html element to fill with tiles
images : squares
//mandatory - no default
//array containing arrays with url of thumbnail, url of original image, optional description.
from : 5,
//optional - default = 0
//define from what image create tiles
n : 32,
//optional - default = images length
//how many tiles initialize. For default CSS it should be a multiple of 8 for better visualization.
//If you want to use other multiples, then the last row wouldn't be filled.
//For using other multiples it's recommended to change the CSS accordingly.
fill : 2,
//optional - default = 3
//0 : image fully contained in screen with margins
//1 : as 0, but without margins
//2 : fill the whole screen (if possible)
//3 : auto adapt based on screen area (uses 0, 1, 2 the bigger is the screen)
autostart : true
//optional - default = true
You can manipulate the default behavior setting:
//how many tiles rotate at the same time:
gallery.rotMany = 1; //(int) 0, 1, 2...
//frequency to apply a random rotation:
gallery.rotDelay = 500; //(int) milliseconds
//probability of rotation for each called tile (depends by <rotMany>)
gallery.probability = 0.85; //(int) milliseconds
//minimum delay before apply another rotation to same tile.
//MUST be at least long as the CSS transition (default 600ms)
gallery.rotDuration = 650; //(int) milliseconds
And you can stop/restart/apply a rotation manually:
//stop tiles sliding:
//start tiles sliding:
//toggle tiles sliding:
//force a tile rotation
gallery.rotateTile(5);//index must exist, eg. 5th in the array <squares>
That's all. Enjoy