This repo can be used as a template project.
pnpm add -D vitepress
pnpm dlx vitepress init
# follow the question wizard
- routing
- assets handling(image/video/audio path)
- custom theme
- add custom font-face: LXGW WenKai Screen is bold enough
- search
- algolia
- local => 分词索引的效果很一般。
- last update timestamp => 反映文档最后更新时间,提示读者文档维护程度和时效性。
You need to commit the markdown file to see the updated time.
- reading time estimation/word count
- by reading-time library and own plugin
- Allow images to be zoomed in on click => 部分图片细节很多,需要放大,进一步思考理解。
- comment system(no backend)
- add og:XXX property by
hooks - deploy guide
- Build Command:
npm run build
- Output Directory:
- Node Version:
(or above)
- Build Command:
- music player support
- doc:
- I temporarily disable
due to compilation issue:import useClipboard from "vue-clipboard3";
- reading-time plugin now updates original doc folder(./manunscript) everytime, it's not a good practice.
- vitepress dev is ok but build failed
BScroll.use() is not a function
solution is to use ClientOnly mode:
<MusicPlayer musicId="687747" musicSrc="/687747.mp3" style="margin:0 auto" theme="candy"/>