#Font-Enlightened Font-Enlightened is a icon font with icons from the augmented reality game Ingress from Niantic.
<!-- Verified Badge -->
<span class="fe-stack fe-lg">
<i class="fe fe-badge fe-stack-1x"></i>
<i class="fe fe-verified fe-stack-1x fe-inverse"></i>
<i class="fe fe-rocks"></i>
<i class="fe
Fontfiles are generated using IcoMoon
CSS is generated using node-sass
Fontfiles are licensend under OFL 1.1
The files under scss/ are based on (or copied from) FontAwesome
- All Ingress icons are trademarks of Niantic
- The use of these icons does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font Enlightened, nor vice versa.
- Usage of Ingress icons should stay within the rules noted in the Brand and Fan-site Guidelines
- All Service icons are tradmarks of there respective owner
- please do not use service icons for any other purpose except to represent that particular service