A simple tool for subscribing to Firestore and reflecting it in Redux.
It provides:
- Two custom hooks dispatching an action for Firestore data.
- Reducer receiving these actions.
A similar Library is redux-firestore, which provides an API that wraps Firestore. So you have to learn those APIs anew. Therefore, even if you have knowledge of Firebase SDK I/F, it is difficult to understand. In addition, the bundle size is large.
redux-firestore-hooks adopt the design that directly use Firebase SDK I/F. So you can learn easily and keep code simple.
npm install redux-firestore-hooks
// Writing for Redux Toolkit, but you can write other type store.
import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import { createReducer } from 'redux-firestore-hooks'
// type for Firestore document
export type User = {
displayName: string
photoURL: string
// type for Firestore document
export type Chat = {
userId: string
text: string
// id is document ID
type FirestoreState = {
users?: { [id in string]: User }
chats?: { [id in string]: Chat }
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
// To work firestore state type, put the type here.
firestore: createReducer<FirestoreState>(),
export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>
export default store
// App.tsx
import { collection, doc, onSnapshot, query } from 'firebase/firestore'
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import { useApplyCollection, useApplyDocument, clear } from 'redux-firestore-hooks'
const App = ({ userId }) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
const applyDocument = useApplyDocument(dispatch)
const applyCollection = useApplyCollection(dispatch)
// When App is mounted, subscribing chats and reflecting it in firestore.chats state
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribeChats = onSnapshot(query(collection(db, 'chats')), applyCollection('chats'))
return () => {
// clear chats data
}, [applyCollection])
// Subscribe to the user document as the userId changes and reflect it in firestore.users state
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribeUser = onSnapshot(doc(db, `users/${userId}`), applyDocument('users'))
return () => {
// clear user data by userId
dispatch(clear(['users', userId]))
}, [userId, applyDocument])
return null
When the App component is mounted and the subscription to the Firestore is complete, Redux's state will be:
firestore: {
users: {
xj0cjs: {
displayName: 'Alice'
photoURL: 'https://example.com/alice.png'
chats: {
fajei8: {
userId: 'xj0cjs',
text: 'Hello, Bob',
d8cjs2: {
userId: 'f82bma',
text: 'Hello, Alice',
If It's annoying to write useDispatch at each component, write this wrapper functions.
import {
useApplyCollection as useApplyCollection_,
useApplyDocument as useApplyDocument_,
} from 'redux-firestore-hooks'
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
export function useApplyCollection() {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
return useApplyCollection_(dispatch)
export function useApplyDocument() {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
return useApplyDocument_(dispatch)