by Jae Yeon Kim
File an issue if you have problems, questions or suggestions.
SQL is a viable option for anyone working with a large dataset. For this reason, SQL is a must-skill if you intend to work with big data or data-intensive organizations. The workshop aims to demonstrate that SQL is easy to learn, if you already know how to use dplyr
package in R. This will be a very hands-on workshop, with live coding.
- Learning how to use R and SQL to access and query a database
Familiarity with
package in R -
No background knowledge in SQL required
Launch the . Please do so before attending the worskshop as it takes a while (especially, if you do it for the first time).
Or manually install the following packages.
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
tidyverse, # tidyverse packages
dbplyr, # database with dplyr
DBI, # SQL queries
RSQLite, # SQLite
nycflights13 # toy data
- Special thanks to Jacob Coblnetz for sharing his slides on the SQL workshop used at MIT and Aaron Culich and Aniket Kesari at D-Lab at UC Berkeley for providing constructive feedback.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.