#####类似QQ的小红点,QQ can drag the little red dot. 更多介绍http://blog.csdn.net/mabeijianxi/article/details/50560361
dependencies { compile project(':stickyDotsLib')}
###Step-2 Choose the right place to create it,for example:
// Note for needed to achieve drag effect of view needs to
// individually specify a layout file,and layout is best cannot have viewGroup,
// or view shown above the text may in drag does not recognize.
// This is in order to facilitate, in order to reduce consumption.
StickyViewHelper stickyViewHelper = new StickyViewHelper(mContext, viewHolder.mDragView,R.layout.includeview);
The layout of includeview like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TextView xmlns:
You can monitor each process of mobile:
* view在范围内移动指此此Runnable
* @param viewInRangeMoveRun
public void setViewInRangeMoveRun(Runnable viewInRangeMoveRun) {
this.viewInRangeMoveRun = viewInRangeMoveRun;
* view在范围外移动执行此Runnable
* @param viewOutRangeMoveRun
public void setViewOutRangeMoveRun(Runnable viewOutRangeMoveRun) {
this.viewOutRangeMoveRun = viewOutRangeMoveRun;
* view移出过范围,最后在范围内松手执行次Runnable
* @param viewOut2InRangeUpRun
public void setViewOut2InRangeUpRun(Runnable viewOut2InRangeUpRun) {
this.viewOut2InRangeUpRun = viewOut2InRangeUpRun;
* view没有移出过范围,在范围内松手
* @param mViewInRangeUpRun
public void setViewInRangeUpRun(Runnable mViewInRangeUpRun) {
this.mViewInRangeUpRun = mViewInRangeUpRun;
* view移出范围,最后在范围外松手
* @param viewOutRangeUpRun
public void setViewOutRangeUpRun(Runnable viewOutRangeUpRun) {
this.viewOutRangeUpRun = viewOutRangeUpRun;
You can also specify mapping rules:
* 设置最大拖拽范围
* @param mFarthestDistance px
public void setFarthestDistance(float mFarthestDistance) {
this.mFarthestDistance = mFarthestDistance;
* 设置拖拽过程中固定圆变化的最小半径值
* @param mMinFixRadius px
public void setMinFixRadius(float mMinFixRadius) {
this.mMinFixRadius = mMinFixRadius;
* 设置固定圆半径
* @param mFixRadius px
public void setFixRadius(float mFixRadius) {
this.mFixRadius = mFixRadius;
* 设置绘制颜色
* @param mPathColor
public void setmPathColor(int mPathColor) {
this.mPathColor = mPathColor;
It can be decomposed into three parts, a fixed circle, a drag and drop round, a connection rod. According to the fingers to move the position of the drawing is ok.It need a little geometry knowledge.
Draw a fixed circle:
canvas.drawCircle(mFixCanterPoint.x, mFixCanterPoint.y, mFixRadius, mPaint);
Moving to a point of tangency:
mPath.moveTo(mFixTangentPointes[0].x, mFixTangentPointes[0].y);
According to the two circles tangent point on quadratic bezier curve drawing:
mPath.quadTo(mCanterPoint.x, mCanterPoint.y, mDragTangentPoint[0].x, mDragTangentPoint[0].y);
Another point of tangency direction to draw a straight line:
mPath.lineTo(mDragTangentPoint[1].x, mDragTangentPoint[1].y);
Is a quadratic bezier curve:
mPath.quadTo(mCanterPoint.x, mCanterPoint.y, mFixTangentPointes[1].x, mFixTangentPointes[1].y);
Form a closed image, in fact, the end connection:
canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);
Finally draw drag the circle is complete:
canvas.drawCircle(mDragCanterPoint.x, mDragCanterPoint.y, mDragRadius, mPaint);
About the second order bezier curve:
It is the starting point and a form of control points according to certain algorithm
####Specific, you can download to learn more.Or see my blog for details,http://blog.csdn.net/mabeijianxi/article/details/50560361
##有什么不足的地方欢迎大家提出,也很乐意和大家交流,我的联系邮箱是[email protected]