This is a shell script to process internet speedtests (using and and put the results into a influxdb. Additional there's a grafana dashboard to visualize the results.
If running shell script in interactive shell you can see raw json result and curl response of the different DB calls.
You need to have cli tools of and installed previous running the script
- sivel/speedtest-cli: Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using
- librespeed/speedtest-cli: Command line client for LibreSpeed
Install them according to their manual via package manager or binary from git repo. The tools need to be installed in search path e.g. /usr/bin/
(refer $PATH).
For processing it is also necessary to have the following packages installed:
- jq
- curl
Edit the conf with your database parameters and install required packages as stated above.
You can trigger regular runs in crontab, e.g. 15 * * * * /yourpath/
to run every hour.