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I have implemented the endpoints based on the user stories. There are improvements and thoughts that I have included in at the end of this document.

To start the project

  1. make sure to duplicate .env.example file and provide the required values based on the environment that you are running the application in.
  2. rename the .env.example duplicated file to .env.
  3. run npm install (assuming that you have node.js and npm installed on your machine)
  4. run this command nest start
  5. make sure to import the pokemnons if you need to using the following instructions.

import pokemons

you can use /pokemon/import endpoint to import your pokemons!

Guide -> User stories

  1. Obtain a pokemon by id --> http://localhost:3000/pokemon/{id}

  2. Obtain list of pokemons (TIP: pagination) --> http://localhost:3000/pokemon?page={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

  3. Obtain a pokemon by name --> http://localhost:3000/pokemon?name={pokemonName}

  4. Obtain list of pokemons with different filters --> http://localhost:3000/pokemon?filterKey=filterValue Possible filters:

    • weaknesses: in comma separated format : Fire,Ice
    • resistant: in comma separated format : Fire,Grass
    • type: in comma separated format : Flying,Fire
    • specialAttack: e.g. Aqua Jet
    • fastAttack: e.g. Bubble
    • hp: e.g. 1500 (checks if Pokemon at least has that much of HP)
    • Anything else: anything else in the query string is not ignored but will be applied to filter the results
  5. Allow obtain pokemon types --> http://localhost:3000/pokemon?fields=type

    • This can also include other fileds as a comma separated value like fields=type,weaknesses,name
  6. Allow add a pokemon as favourite --> http://localhost:3000/pokemon/{id}/add-fav

  7. Allow remove a pokemon as favourite --> http://localhost:3000/pokemon/{id}/remove-fav

  8. Allow obtain list of favourite pokemons --> http://localhost:3000/pokemon?isFavorite=true


Some of the improvement are mentioned in the code using TODO: tag. But here is a list of what can be improved in this implementaion:

  • Make the searches case insensitive, specially if the front end uses a text input instead of a select or check box
  • Currently we are working with id which is different from _id (the built-in object id). If we had a front-end, I would use _id for look ups
  • We have to make sure we create indexes for the look ups (all the queries that we have) in MongoDB
  • isFavoite is added to the schema to support fav/unfav functionality. Since we don't have multiple users in this application, it works fine. If we had multiple users (or user document), I would add the following property to the user document
favoritePokemons: [
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Bulbasaur"
        "id": 4,
        "name": "Charmander"

This allows for quick data retrieval (if a user wants to see a list of their favorite Pokemons, which we will be using the name property. Also, if they want to see the details of a specific Pokemon, the id is what we use to retireve the Pokemon document for that purpose.)

  • The endpoints are under root. In real application usually they are under /api/version/
  • the schema file is located here /pokemon/pokemon.schema.ts
  • in the real applications that I have built, I have followed a standard data structure for the output of all endpoints. An example can be like this:
    "data": [
        {"_id": 1},
        {"_id": 2},
    "status": "ok",
        "total": "the total number of records (specially if we have pagination)",
        "errorMessage": "in case of errors"
  • Since all the endpoitns are using GET, you can try the app in your browser. But I also have added Swagger for convenient testing
  • I tried to include various functions and tests, but they are not complete of course. Since this is just to give you an idea about how I go about a project like this. The list in my filterProcessor function and tests can be easily expanded, but I think I have included enough so that you are able to evalute the skills (hopefully!)
  • I did not include integration tests (the one in there is the default one).

Please let me know if you have any questions

Mahmood Ramezani [email protected]

Thank you :)


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