- BoardTransposer.py: A simple script to convert Trello boards to Planify in order to migrate.
- json_navigator.py: A simple script to navigate json files to help you understand the structure.
- visualization_local.py: A simple script to using graphviz to visualize json files.
If you encounter an issue please let me know, and attach the relevant files or information so I can recreate the bug. Feel free to make pull requests!
- Importing from Trello
- Exporting to Planify
- Simple printing and get commands
- Import Planify and Export Trello
- Other board software?
- Better internal visualization
- Pull from Trello directly and output to the planify database.db straight away
- Navigate through dicts and lists
- Printing and info
- Detecting the format so you can print that as well for better printing
- Outputs an image of the json
- Detecting the format so it can give a simpler visualization in the image to fit larger structures, rather than showing all the data