An implementation of 'Coherent Line Drawing' by Kang et al, Proc. NPAR 2007 .
forked from SSARCandy/Coherent-Line-Drawing
added command-line versions :
: generate the gradientflow and edgetangentflow vector fields and writes them out as .exr 32bits files.
: process the coherent line drawing using the edgetangentflow from ETF-cli.
The original gui is called CLD-gui
tested on KDE Neon bionic (Ubuntu 18.04)
Usage : etf-cli inputfile kernelsize iterations outputgradient outputtangent
etf-cli /path/to/input/ima.0001.png 5 3 /path/to/result/gradient.0001.exr /path/to/result/tangentflow.0001.exr
will generate gradient.0001.exr and tangentflow.0001.exr from ima.0001.png
Usage : cld-cli inputfile inputflowfile FDoGiterations sigma_m sigma_c rho tau outputfile
cld-cli path/to/ima.0001.png path/to/tangentflow.0001.exr 3 2 1 .98 .98 path/to/cld.0001.png
will generate cld.0001.png from ima.0001.png and tangentflow.0001.exr
sudo apt install libwxgtk3.0-dev (Ubuntu 18.04)
cd path/to/Coherent-Line-Drawing
mkdir build;cd build
cmake ..
- OpenCV (prefer 3.0 or higher)
- wxwidget (prefer 3.0 or higher)
- cmake
This paper presents a non-photorealistic rendering technique that automatically generates a line drawing from a photograph.